GATE thus the GAR fought there Chapter 3- Then they killed more

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====GAR Alnus Camp====

The counter-attack was calculated to arrive in 3 weeks. This allowed the clone troopers to assemble a base. While strategizing, they decided to put a foward base of operation down the foot of the hill. Crosshair was put incharge of the construction there. "Man, I just hope we could finish this sooner" thought Crosshair.

----- 3 days later -----

The day of attack has finally arrived. "All units take up defensive positions" "Artillery, prepare to receive coordinates" "All fighters prepare to scramble" numerous orders were carried out. Troopers were all eager to fire. Then, the order came up. "Light em' up".

====Allied Army Camp====

Lord Duran of Elbe oversaw the progress of the battle. At first he thought the attack would succeed, because his forces were now approaching an enemy structure. But then, all hell broke loose. Volleys of blue cut down the soldiers. Masive explosions took hundreds of lives. He was at a loss of words. How could the enemy do this much damage? After the first attack failed, they tried a second one at noon. That failed too. Finally they tried a night attack. They made it farther than the previous attacks, but they would stilll lose. They were spotted by the clones and were engaged. They managed to route them to their stronghold. But they did not find any entrance.


"Alpha squad,  prepare to provide cover fire. Blazers, are you ready?" asked Crosshair. 'Yes sir' was the reply. Crosshair then signalled Comet and Rider to open the door. The doors opened and the enemy was caught in surprise. The Blazers lit up their flamethrowers (now you know why they're blazers), and started walking ahead while being covered by Alpha squad. Enemy soldiers burned left and right. Some were even turned to dust. It was one hell of a sight. The enemy general was incapacitated and was brought back to base. The following day, the 2 captains along with commander Cody, were now counting the total number of eneny soldiers killed in all previous battles. "450,000"
None of the 3 were shocked. After all, the enemy was primitive. Finally, new plans were constructed. They will now attempt to make contact with the locals.

The End... (of the chapter, duh)

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