GATE thus the GAR fought there: Chapter 1-Prologue

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Courusant, The Galactic Republic's capital. It is truly one of the most beautiful places you could see. Sadly Crosshair has only been here 4 times. The war dubbed as the Clone Wars had raged on. Even after the Sith lord Palpatine had his plans failed and now dead, the Confederacy of Independent Systems still pressed the Republic to continue the war. Right now though, Crosshair was not in battle. After a recent promotion to captain. He decided to drink it off.

====Courusant Financial District====

The streets were filled as usual. People went along their business. Either buying from a local store or, roaming the vast city planet. Crosshair walked down the street, heading over to one of the many Clone hotspots he and his brothers found. He looked at the sign nearby:"Clone Troopers only". He opened the door to the bar and walked in.

====99s bar====

Inside, Crosshair looked at the many clones that were either drinking, arm wrestling or exchanging stories. He recognized some of the guys, but didn't bother to talk. He saw recognized some of the battalions; The 212th, 41st, 104th, 187th and... the 501st, his leigon. The 501st are the elite of the GAR and always had the 'fun' missions. Despite these circumstances, the 501st still stood out like legends. Crosshair then approached one of the 501st troopers that he recognized. He sat next to him and said: "Hope you don't mind if I sit here". The trooper nodded then spoke: "Wait, I know you... Ah! Crosshair, your the guy that got promoted". Crosshair just shrugged and replied: "I really don't feel like talking about it right now". The trooper nodded and introduced himself: "Oh by the way, the name's Riggs". Crosshair shook his hand and went back to his drink. Minutes later, he stood up and left the bar.

====Courusant Financial District====

Outside the bar, there was something in the midst of the district. A strange gate came out of nowhere. It had architecture that the citizens of the Republic has never seen. (By our standards, it looks like the Parthenon.) The clones patrolling the area arrived at the scene and started to disperse the crowd. Then they heard marching. They raised their blasters at the gate, preparing to kill any threats. Then an army came out of the gate, they had strange looking armor and swords, sheilds and spears.  A horn blew, then all hell broke loose. The clones, who knew what to do opened fire. But they knew they'd get overrun, so they fell back.


Crosshair was just calling for a ride to get back to base, when he heard screaming and blaster fire. What the kriff? he thought. He then saw clone troopers holding defensive positions. He approached the seargent and asked what was going on. "An unknown army has attacked the central area and are starting to move in further" answered the seargent. Crosshair then lowered the macroscope attached to his helmet. There he saw the unknown army. There were rougly 9000 soldiers and they were either slaughtering civilians or, they were brought back to where ever they were came from. Firefrek he thought. He pulled out his blaster and started to open fire. Clones from the bar, started to join in on the fight. Varying from naval officers to infantry. Then 2 LAAT gunships flew above them and started to help with obliterating the enemy. On the enemy army's side, the general was observing the new grounds for the Saderan Empire. He just thought about the resources that the Empire will get. Then his messengers arrived. They all delivered messages about the battle. What concered the general is that the center has not been captured yet and that 2 flying creatures have killed 2500 men already. There were also reports about the weapons the enemy used. Then a casualty report came in. The general's eyes bulged in shock 7000 men had already been killed. He thought hard for a minute, then he ordered to retreat. More of his men were killed by the enemy's 'magic'.
He rounded up his men and tried to reach the gate from where they came from. Only to be denied by the enemy's flying creatures. Crosshair had his sights trained on the general if he tried anything. Then the foreign army dropped their weapons. They were cuffed and locked up. The day was one by the Republic. But now the question is: What will they do about this?

The End (Of the Chapter duh)

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