Author's Note

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Just a quick word before we begin. 

This story is basically just a collection of drabbles and moments that happen within the timeline of the canon universe. Some might include AU (Alternate Universe) scenes which will although impact the characters, not have any significant effect on the overall progression of the story or the journey. I haven't read Stars Above yet, therefore consider yourself warned that this most likely won't include any content from that book.

Another vital point- yes this book is about Cinder and Thorne and yes I do ship them romantically; if you have a passionate hate for this ship, well, this is your cue to go. Any hateful comments will be deleted as I see fit- I'm not here to start ship wars.

Constructive criticism on my writing is definitely welcome- and if you like the story please leave a star and/or a comment! I'd love to answer any questions regarding the story itself! Thanks a bunch!

- M.

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