6 Good Intentions, Bad Decisions

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Candy stands behind her desk, mid fist pump in celebration for the news she'd just received. Her section of the office is staring at her through the large glass window that looks into her office with raised brows and concerned expressions. She supposes to anyone on the outside her behavior was abnormal, but she'd just gotten an email about her story being bought by a tv news outlet. So naturally, she'd pushed her chair back from her desk dramatically, stomped her feet and pounded her fists in the air in front of her with a string of grunted and shouted yes's. She straightens her shirt and nods and gives a thumbs up to the onlookers before sitting back down at her desk, her thumbs moving at lightning speed to respond back.

She goes to the large glass and metal building that looks like every other news station building she'd ever been in. A perky young receptionist, who thankfully was nice this time around. That did differ from the usual behavior and it made her more certain she'd picked the right offer. The amount of money was truly what had made her certain, as she'd held out for a good one for Eddie.

She feels the weight of the money in the envelope as she moves quickly in a damn near skip to the diner where Eddie is waiting for her. She hadn't told him why she needed to see him for lunch, but he'd accepted without needing a reason.

He was happy to be seeing her again so soon. After their more intimate and sensual encounter last time, he'd had to pretend it didn't mean so much to him after the fact. She seemed as calm, cool and collected as always but she'd embraced him and kissed him before he'd left, and that felt different.

Unknown to him, after that kiss, she frowned with her back pressed against the door. She shouldn't have done that, she thought. Should've stayed aloof, not kissed him the same way she had between the covers and his arms the night before after making love to him. She thunks her head against the wall where the coat rack hung. Ugh, why did she have to refer to it as making love? Because that just led to thoughts of... well, love. She hears Steph's voice in her head, "Because that's what it was you dumb bitch." Candy groans to the imaginary tough love her friend was giving her. She texted Steph right after he left, telling her she'd slept with him again and reluctantly told her about the cuddling, about the soft and slow side by side that was usually reserved for long-term relationships. Steph gave her the exact response she'd already heard from her in her head earlier.

He's sitting in a high stool at a table against a wall, already a large basket of fries sits in front of him. She'd said she didn't have a lot of time for lunch but she wanted to see him anyway. Being the considerate man he was, he'd gotten her something she could eat quickly and didn't forget the ranch dipping sauce. He'd teased her about it when he saw her dipping pizza and fries into ranch dressing. Asking her what country shit she was on about as she laughed. "That how you eat out there in the middle of nowhere?" he snarks. She'd shoved him but she understood the sentiment. But then he'd given in and tried it when he was alone. Grabbing the almost expired bottle of ranch out of his fridge, staring down the pizza in front of him and rolling his eyes and going for it. And dammit if she hadn't been right.

He's been watching the door for a few minutes, lost in thought, wondering why she'd sent so many emojis in her texts and what that meant when she comes into view. Her wardrobe had shifted since getting promoted and he thought it suited her. Tight black jeans with flats and a blazer of the same color with a white button up colored shirt. She looked professional but not stuffy with her minimal makeup and wavy chestnut hair. The smile on her face let him know she was the same Candy no matter what she wore as she beamed even brighter than usual at him as she politely made her way to him through the movement of bodies.

"Hey Eddie!" she chirps, a warm smile on her face as she leans in to hug him and kiss his cheek. This was a new development that she doesn't even realize but blush rises to his cheeks at the affectionate gesture. "Oh!" she lilts as she grabs a few fries and shoves them into her mouth before resituating her bag on her shoulders.

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