Chapter 24

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Walking down an aisle never felt better. As we wear our small square hats, and capes, Jett and I grin each other. It's pretty fun, as everyone claps and cheers for us.

At the end, we receive our diplomas, and no we don't have our names called, because that's so boring and long and no one really cares about that part. Getting my scroll of all my hard work, I feel my heart soar.

I'm an official Patrol Guard. I can roam wherever I wish, and explore. Though Mom and Dad were still cautious about us being Nine Tailed and all, they do know we have to go out.

That's why we visited the Oracle, a day before our first day of these classes. She gave Jett and I new supplements, that will have a very long term effect for hiding ourselves. The oracle murmured no one can penetrate through our veil hiding ourselves.

Of course, there are some exceptions, but such animals don't really exist.

Anyway, Jett also walks down the aisle after me, tripping along the way (of course). Receiving his diploma, he pumps his paw in the air and yells with joy. I slap my paw on my forehead, and drag him away from the giggling crowd before he makes more of a fool out of himself.

Cinnabun and Fang trudge over, and we all congratulate each other. These guys are pretty good friends with Jett and I now, and we all walk over to the food, and get plates full of things. Fiona and Mom and Dad come over.

"I'm so proud of you two!" Mom gushes over us, as Fiona smiles brightly and Dad gives us a wink. We all talk about such and such, and the graduation is soon over. Jett and I begin to crowd near Skylar, as he had mentioned that as everyone else leaves, he needs a quick word with everyone who graduated today.

"Guys! You're officially now Patrol Guards, and I hope that you take knowledge I gave you and wisely use it. Report things you see, explore beyond, and be safe. Now, you guys should start duty whenever you're comfortable, and you will basically be doing it anytime you wish."

"All you have to do is right a letter to the Board, and than once that's done, than the Board will receive your letter. Once they send one back to you recognizing you, than the days and times you signed up, you will have a Patrol Captain that will be your boss, along with other Patrol Guards with you. And that Patrol Captain will tell you things to look out for, but really, you are the one who will decide where you wish to go and check for danger, help needed, etc."

Skylar salutes us all with a twinkle sparkling in his eyes, as his face gets a bit sad. "Not going to lie, this group has been one of my most successful ones ever, and I will miss you all. Though I will continue to be teaching others, I will remember you all, and may see you here and there whenever I'm in town. For now, I do have to travel to others lands to teach, so thanks!" Skylar waves us all, and we all shout back.

Cinnabun and Fang turn to us. "I'm sure gonna miss him!" Fang sighs, and Cinnabun shrugs. "That was too emotional, but ya, it will be weird not having him"

We all than group together as we head off, deciding to take similar days and times so we can be together. "How about we do this three times a week?" Jett questions, and we all agree to that. Negotiating times, we all decide to go from 2-6 pm on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

As we wave to each other, I smile, and Jett and I chatter as we arrive home. We right our letter down to the Board, including the days and times, and knowing how quick our system of mailing is, we probably will get this back tomorrow. Jett and I eat dinner quickly and fall asleep. 

                          ______________NEXT DAY________________

As my suspicions, the letter was received. Tomorrow is Monday, and we will meet the others there. Cinnabun, Fang, Jett, and I had decided to go into town together to have a some food. We all got on the same team, with a Captain named "Basilah". She's apparently a really good Captain, so I feel a bit nervous and excited to meet her.

The rest of the day is not much. We all hang out, going to some places here and there, and have some fun. I feel quite happy, knowing to have made some real friends.

Naturally, Cinnabun and I rival over everything. We end the day to watch the sunset on a hill, as Cinnabun and I race, seeing who can get to the hill first. Surprisingly, she beats me by a bit, even though before I got to the restaurant first.

She grins. "Looks like ya got lots of work left to do!" I growl and lunge at her, and we roll around. Fang and Jett calmly come, and Jett jumps into our tussle, thinking we're playing around. Fang slowly backs away, watching as we fight (Jett jumping and hugging).

Once we settle down, the sunset soon starts, and we all are silent. The beautiful colors gather into each other, and slowly dim down along with the sun, dipping into the sea, far through the horizon.

We sit there for a bit, and watch the stars in the dark midnight sky. I breath, and feel refreshed. The four of us came out around a 15 minute run from town, and the air is very fresh and great to breath in. Jett intertwines his tail with mine, and I smile. He's so adorable.

Watching the sky gets me to think of the times when Jett and I would sneak out at night. Though we just recently stopped that every since we've been going to Patrol Training, I know before, I would have never believed that Mom and Dad would let Jett and I out this much.

If the oracle didn't mention how that two souls who have Nine Tailed powers should earn skills of survival or else we would suffer, than Mom and Dad might have continued to keep us in. I know they want our safety, but their love for us was blinding them. Yet they are smart parents, who realized their mistakes and fixed them.

We all silently wait there, and knowing that tomorrow will bring us a new day and a new set of issues that we'll have to face.

Yet we have ways, skills, ideas that we can counter against, so what good to worry?

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