Chapter 16

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"WHAT HAPPENED HERE?!" Doc shouts as we carry Fiona in fast. She rushes over to us and calls out for someone. A group of animals with nurse outfits come in and lift Fiona, taking her away. I let my worried eyes follow them.

"We will let you know as soon as we can how she is doing." Doc nods her head to us. Jet bows his head down and I thank her. She gives us both a pat before hurrying into the room, slamming the door shut.

I flop down on the floor, exhausted. Me and Jett sprinted about 15 miles! I look over at Jett to see how he's doing. He also seems to be pretty exhausted.

We wait in a tense silence. There are animals who come and go, with patients who have a cold or need a shot. I look at all of them, thinking how much luckier they are to have such small things to come here for. Sighing, I get up and go to get a drink of water.

Jett follows me, and we each take long drinks of water. Satisfied, I sit on the chilly tile, shivering.

"She is gonna make it." I whip my head to Jett's voice, noticing his head down.

"She is gonna make it...right?" He states. I notice how his body trembles along with his voice. A feeling of pain seers through me heart, as I feel numb.

"R-right?!" Jett shouts at me, making me jump. I never have seen him act like this before. Jett brings his head up and I see his pain.

Tears flood down from his eyes like a waterfall, and he lets out a cry. His sobs echo through the walls, the hallways, the building.

Through my heart.

I rush over to him and hug him close to me. Never wanting to let him go, never wanting for him to go. I curl myself around him like a protective wall. Tears form at the corners of my eyes.

"T-there Jett. We h-have to be strong f-for her..." I try to encourage, but now the cool drops of salty water are getting away from me too.

We together mourn for our sister for some time, just like that. Who knows how long it had been.

Doc didn't come out for the whole time we sat this way, my heart sinking at a faster rate.

I felt pain. A sharp pain. Like an arrow had been shot through my heart.

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