## ★ 0.7

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Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.


now playing
you suck charlie - joji


3 R D P E R S O N P O V

As soon as San and Y/n sit, the group immediately starts to chow down, sparing no time. The room was silent except for the subtle sound of slurping and the occasional comment. Once they all finished Y/n offered to wash the dishes. Despite Mingi's protests, Y/n remained persistent.

"I can do them, just think of it as a 'thank you' for letting me into your friend group," she conciles as she gathers some bowls from the boys. Everyone thanks her profusely, but she waves it off with a kind smile.

"I'll help," Mingi announces, getting up from the couch. He was met with a stern look from the astute girl.

"Mingi, it's fine," Y/n assures, walking into the kitchen. Mingi hesitates for a moment before deciding to stay back with the others and pick a movie to watch.

Stepping into the kitchen, Y/n set the bowls on the counter and filled the sink with water; unbeknownst to her, the water was unnaturally boiling hot. She dunked her hand into the water to wash the bowls and her right hand was immediately burnt.

Y/n hissed in pain, retracting her hand as fast as possible. She inhaled deeply through her nose, refusing the urge to cuss. "I heard a gasp from in here, you okay?" a voice asks; the transfer student turns, and she recognizes Jongho.

"I'm okay, just didn't realize how hot the water actually was," she explains, showcasing the scorned skin of her hand. Jongho winces at the swollen and red flesh.

"I'm sure Mingi might have something in a first aid kit to help the burning and redness. I'll go try and find it, " Jongho promises, leaving Y/n cradling her hand. The sound of muted voices fill the house as Y/n waits patiently in the kitchen.

Mingi soon comes into the kitchen with a small white box. "I should have warned you that the tap can get hot super quick," he scolds himself, opening the box and rummaging through it, "Maybe if you let me help you with the dishes this wouldn't have happened..." Mingi whistles, grabbing a topical cream and looking back at Y/n, a cheeky smirk prominent on his features.

"I just wanted to do something nice," she argues as Mingi takes a bit of the cream onto his fingertips. The giant teddy bear rolls his eyes.

"You already made everyone food; if anything, one of the boys should be doing the dishes," Mingi says reaching out for the girl's hand.

She let him take a hold of it and he gently rubbed the cream into her palm and on the top of her hand. Y/n hisses at the pain but keeps in mind that the cream would speed up the healing process and reduce inflammation.

Meanwhile, back in the living room, a certain someone grows eager to know as to why both Mingi and Jongho went into the kitchen with Y/n. "I'm gonna get some water, I'll be back," Yunho declares as he rises from his seat, taking care to remain as casual as possible. If he was honest, Yunho was extremely curious as to what Mingi and Y/n were doing.

He tiptoed quietly to the kitchen doorway and slyly peeked his head around the corner; Y/n was standing against the counter, Mingi in front of her, holding her hands delicately. Yunho felt jealousy bubble up in his stomach.

"Starting to feel any better?" Mingi asked, rubbing the cream onto the girl's hand; she nodded silently in response.

Mingi reaches into the first aid kit again and grabs out a bandage and starts to wrap her hand and a small bit of her wrist. "Thank you," Y/n thanks shyly. So cute, Yunho thinks, body tensing.

"No more dunking your hands into burning water, okay?" Mingi affirms, taking a step back. He places his hands on his hips; "And let me do some work around here, you've done enough." Yunho released an abated breath and decided it was a good time to walk in.

"Mingi, would I be able to grab a glass of water?" Yunho starts, trying to make it seem like he wasn't spying on the pair. Mingi nods, tossing his head to the cabinets while humming in confirmation. Yunho grabs a glass from the cupboard and walks over to the fridge as Mingi packs up the first aid kit.

"I can't do the dishes anymore," Y/n frowns, glaring at her burnt hand.

"Oh no, someone who already did a lot for everyone can't do another thing for everyone, whatever shall we do?" Mingi snorts sarcastically, glancing over at Y/n. When she gives him a pointed look he smiles softly. "Go sit down, I'll do them later; there's no rush, after all," Mingi says as he grabs the kit and walks out of the kitchen.

Yunho directs his attention to the injured girl; "What happened?" he asked tentatively. Y/n's face gets hot out of embarrassment.

"I accidentally burned my hand while washing the dishes because the water was too hot," the high schooler explained abashedly. She holds out her hand to show the boy; it has an angry red undertone and it looks like there might be a budding welt; Yunho steps closer with his water-filled glass to take a closer look. "Mingi treated it though, it should look better soon," she retracts her hand quickly, feeling bashful at the closeness of Yunho's body.

Yunho examines her body language before exhaling through his nose, shoving his hands into the pockets of his pants; "Let's get back to the group," he proposes, the corner of his mouth quirking up. Y/n gives a small nod in response and trails behind the flower shop clerk into the living room.

Yunho immediately notices the two seats open on the couch; one in the middle, beside Yeosang, and the opposite seat on the end of the couch. Yunho sits in the middle seat, leaving the only available space for Y/n at the end of the couch, secluded from Yeosang's presence. So what if I don't want her to touch any of the other boys, Yunho thought. Whatever.

Y/n sits down quietly and snuggles into her cranny of the couch, watching the boys fight over what movie the group should watch. "Nothing looks good," Wooyoung whines, flipping through Netflix lazily, resting his body weight on his arm as he sat on the floor.

San snatches the remote out of his hand. Without many protests from Wooyoung, San quickly flips through a couple of miscellaneous movies, before groaning. "Wooyoung's right, nothing looks good," he conceded, tossing his head back exasperatedly.

"We could play a game to pass the time until we think of something," Jongho suggested as he looks at everyone's seemingly bored expressions.

"What should we play?" Mingi asks.

"Since Y/n doesn't know much about us all we could like truth or dare or something," Jongho suggests.

"We could play a game to pass the time until San and Wooyoung find something to watch," Jongho suggested, noticing everyone's expressions.

"Why us?" the two whine loudly, at the same time.

"I'm down," Hongjoong announces, seemingly ignoring the duo, as do the rest of the group.

"Who should go first?" asks Seonghwa, perking up a little, hands folded delicately in his lap. Yeosang nearly jumps out of his lounge chair.

"I'll go first!" he announces, striking a heroic pose. He eyes the room. "Alright Jongho, truth or dare?"

Jongho grins deviously. "Dare."

"Alright, do 10 pushups with San on your back," Yeosang orders, clearly amused. Jongho grins and gets on the floor, yelling for San to hop on, cheers ringing out from the rest of the group.

forelsket ~ jeong yunho | discontinuedTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang