## ★ 2.2

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3 R D P E R S O N P O V

Jisung walked out of the World History class a few classes down from where Y/n was sitting. And coincidentally, Yunho was walking towards her unknowingly from the bathrooms, walking out the back way to get to his car.

Yunho usually parks in the front, but after going to his work to pick up some lavender, he arrived a bit late and missed all of the available spots.

Yunho noticed Y/n was sitting alone on the bench so he decided to approach her, that was until he saw Jisung appear and sit to her left. He wasn't able to hear their conversation because of how far away he still was, their faint voices becoming clearer and clearer the closer he approached them.

He could hear their laughter and that is what made him quicken his pace.

"Hey, Y/n would I be able to sit here?"


"Sure thing," I say as I scooch a bit to the left to make more room, accidentally nudging Jisung in the process.

"Where's Chan?" Jisung asks as he lays his head softly on my shoulder.

"He fucked something up in a chem lab and now he has to make it up," I say.

"The lab we did a few days ago? That lab was easy, how did he fuck it up?" Jisung says with a small chuckle.

"Beats me," I respond. I lay my head against the wall behind me and just take some time to relax. "Hey, Yunho? Would we be able to meet at the flower shop again later today? I need the meaning for another flower," I say. I want to know what lavender means

"Yeah, that's no problem. Do you want to head out now and I can drive you there?"

"No, that's okay, I don't think Chan wants me going out without his permission for about a good month," I say. Yunho nods and looks a bit annoyed. I lean over a bit just enough so I can whisper without startling him, "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," he responds monotonously. Something is definitely off.

"If you need to talk to me you can, Yunho," I suggest he only nods in understanding, and Jisung snuggles into my arm, gaining back my attention.

"I'm tired," Jisung says as he wraps his arms around my one arm. I don't really know what to say, so just quietly hum and go on my phone.

"You're really warm, Y/n. And really pretty, don't tell Chan I said that," Jisung laughs.

"I won't, he'll kill you," I say as I look at his face, his eyes were closed but not forcefully, his posture was relaxed as if he could fall asleep at any moment.

"I don't think you realize how great you are, like not only are you beautiful, you also have such an amazing personality. You can be childish and playful, but still, know how to be mature and when to take situations seriously. You really care for people and how they are feeling and don't just ask them how they are to sound polite, but because you actually care," Jisung takes a breath before he continues to speak.

"Everyone who meets you is so lucky cause they get to meet one f the best people in the world. You just make me and so many others so ha-"

"Didn't Chan tell you not to flirt with her?"

3 R D P E R S O N P O V

Yunho grew tired of listening to Jisung fawn over Y/n and decided to speak up.

"Didn't Chan tell you not to flirt with her?" he spits out.

Jisung stopped speaking and lifted his head from Y/n's shoulder, Y/n seemed to be taken aback and stayed in place.

"I'm not talking to you," Jisung snaps as his brows tie together in confusion.

"But Chan told you not to flirt with her, and from what it looks like, you're flirting with her," Yunho smirks, "I don't think Chan would like that,"

"Ohhh, is someone jealous?" Jisung says as he begins to straighten his posture to be able to see Yunho better.

"What is there to be jealous about?" Yunho says as he adjusts himself as well. Y/n was uncomfortable but unfortunately was stuck in the middle.

"Jealous that I actually have the balls to tell her how I feel about her," Jisung says with a small smirk on his face when he sees Yunho hesitate to speak again.

"You really wanna pick a fight? Right now?" Yunho says as he sees Jisung stand from his spot on the bench and move to stand in front of him.

"If you keep talking like that I don't see why I shouldn't leave a few bruises," Jisung says cockily.

"Maybe I'll leave more," Yunho says as he starts to stand up from the bench.

"I'd like to see you tr-"

Jisung was cut off with a sharp punch to the lip. Jisung stumbles back a bit and touches where he felt was slowly becoming warm; his lower lip was bleeding. Jisung gains his composure and leaps at Yunho, tackling him to the ground.

The two boys could not hear Y/n's weeps for them to stop as they both punched each other mercilessly.


Chan began to rush over to the scene just as Y/n was getting up to get them away from each other.

"Jisung, WHAT THE FUCK!" Chan screams as he throws his backpack to the floor and begins trying to pry Jisung away from Yunho while Y/n pulled Yunho away and was trying to calm him down.

Y/n grabbed Yunho's cheeks with both of her hands and forced him to look at her. Snapping her fingers in front of his face, she tried to find any sign that he was okay. His lip was also bleeding along with having many bruises along his arms as well as scratched-up knuckles.

"Yunho, what the fuck were you thinking?!" Y/n says as she sees his eyes slightly open. Yunho doesn't respond, as expected from his dazed-out state. Still keeping her hands on Yunho's cheeks, Y/n turned around as a few feet away was Chan trying to make sure that Jisung was conscious.

"How's Jisung?" Y/n says as she looks at him. Chan turns around to face his sister while still crouching next to the boy.

"He has a busted open lip and a bloody nose, and some bruises are forming on his arm,"

Chan looks at Yunho then back at Jisung, then finally at Y/n.

"Do you think the nurse's office is still open?"


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