Monster under my bed

Start from the beginning


They made it to Ray's house quicker then Klaus would have liked. He hadn't been introduced to someones family before as a 'boyfriend.' He was still wondering in the back of his head what he was doing.

Klaus didn't date people, he had one night stands be it women or men, then he bailed. He had drug buddies to bond with, the rehab center people to keep him company, the paramedics who saved his life on numerous occasions, not a girlfriend.

People didn't worry over him, didn't buy him food, make sure he was okay. Of course at first, it was obligation but it shifted over time and he didn't know when.

When he kissed her, it was all passion. A full month of staring at her 5 days out of the week, her honey voice, her chocolate eyes that were full of nothing but genuine kindness, and concern for his wellbeing; it was intoxicating. If this was how normal people were in a relationship all the time then this is what he wanted and he didn't plan on letting it go.

Ray suddenly shook his shoulder, snapping him out of his thoughts. "Hey we're here. Are you okay?" Her hand cupped one side of his face. When she looked at him in that moment, he felt terrible about always lying to her about being clean. Klaus smiled weakly at her.

"Yeah, yeah.. I'm fine." The concern was still evident on her face.

"Are you sure? If you're that nervous about meeting my family, you don't have to. We can go up to my room and relax for the rest of the day. Watch a movie, listen to music, sleep, whatever you want." Ray tried to comfort him, wondering what was wrong. She had never thought about the fact that he might be shy about meeting a bunch of people at once.

Ray suddenly felt terrible about putting him in this situation, regretting how pushy she had been when she had just asked him out. He probably had commitment issues too, to top it off. God, he was probably freaked out by her. Ray's thoughts were going wild until he pulled her back to reality.

"Hey, I want to meet them. Then after we can go up to your room, you can show me all your embarrassing stuff, and we can be vulnerable with each other and all that stuff people in relationships do." His smile was more genuine this time. 

They walked up to the door together and Ray led him in. Everyone was in the kitchen, having lunch, arguing when they came in.

"Who ate the last of my fucking cereal?!" Lip muttered with a cig between his lips.

"Lip, you smoke in here one more time and I swear to god-" Fiona didn't finish what she was saying, noticing Ray and Klaus.  "Oh Ray, their you are. Where have you been? V wanted to look at your eye but you weren't here."

"Er, sorry. I'll go over to Kev and V's later to-"

"Don't bother, I'm already here." V interrupted her, coming down the stairs with Kev following behind her. "Girl lemme see that eye. You know I was gonna be all up on you when I found out and you bail on me? Stop with the 'I'm fine, I can handle it blah blah' like Lip. Shit makes my head hurt." V grabbed her chin and examined her eye. "You can still see out of it, right?" V muttered.

"Well yeah."

"Then you see the white boy following behind you which you haven't introduced yet?"

"Let go of my face and I'll gladly introduce him." Ray muttered. V let go and Ray swiveled towards Klaus.

"This is Klaus, he's my boyfriend. Y'all have one minute to get it all out, then we're going up stairs."  Right as she said it every one erupted with a question or comment.

"Are they always like this?" Klaus muttered, leaning in towards her.

"Crazy? Yeah."

"I mean, I've met crazy, this is just a different kind then I'm used to."

The More  𝓕𝓾𝓬𝓴𝓮𝓭 𝓾𝓹 You Are, The More I like You (Klaus Hargreeves)Where stories live. Discover now