Chapter 1

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It was the middle of the night he knew he would be in trouble, but he just couldn't be in that place anymore it was too stressful. He decided to take a walk through the woods it'd be harder for them to find him. Part of him was thrilled that he finally got out, the other part wanted to turn back because the fear.


The voice was soft and recognizable, but he still nearly jumped out of his skin. He turned to see who had called his name. Of all people he couldn't believe who he saw.

"Why are you out here?"

"Me? Of all people I wouldn't expect you to be out here?"

"I'm out here almost every night, What made you decide to leave?"

"I just can't be in that place anymore, I had to escape"

"Yah it's pretty rough"

"Why do you come out here?"

"I like to wander and see the stars it brings me peace"

"And you've never got caught?"

"No. I've had quite of few close calls, but never been caught"

"We should keep moving, it's not a great idea to be standing in one spot"

"what's wrong?"

"I can't explain, we just have to keep moving"

"Not until you tell me what's wrong"

"Once we start moving I will"

"No tell me or i'm not gonna move"

"I can't you just have to trust me"

In the distance they could hear footsteps headed in their direction and a rough voice say "He has to be out here somewhere"

"Chloe!! come on we have to move"

She nodded in agreeance. They started to run going deeper and deeper into the woods they ran until they couldn't hear footsteps anymore.

"What happened Solomon?!!!"

"It's hard to explain"

They fell silent. This whole thing was still crazy to solomon being with chloe. He just wished the situation was different, just if he could be out here with her without worry of other people, but even with the circumstances he was still happy she was there. He looked up and saw the stars through the leaves of the collosal trees it really was peaceful he understood why she liked to come out here. He looked over and saw her staring up at the sky too, she looked down and he quickly tried to hide his gaze.

"We should find somewhere to stay for the night" said Solomon

"Are you crazy? They'll kill us if we aren't there tomorrow morning" responded Chloe

"If we go back they'll catch us anyway"

"Who even was that?"

"Who do you think?"

"You didn't"

"I was tired of it"

"You didn't have to"

"Someone had to, I guess i'm the only one brave enough"

"You didn't need to"

"You know how bad Michael is. He was the worst on you"

"But you still didn't have to go and mess with him"

"He deserved it"

"You can't go back now"

"I know"

"Why do you seem so calm?"

He didn't answer

"You didn't plan on going back did you?"

He shrugged "Maybe"

"Solomon please tell me your lying"

"It's too late"

"No it's not we can fix this"

"We? There is no we, You're free to go"

"No I can't leave you"

"Yes you can you didn't do anything"

"But now I know"


"I wanna help"

"How? you can't, no one can"

"But I wanna try"

"Why do you care so much?"

"I just wanna help"

"well you can't"

"But I want to"


"Because I'm into you solomon..."

He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Chloe the girl he's had the hugest crush on since the first time he saw her walk in the room; he still remembered that day 3 years ago she had sun-kissed skin, blonde flowing hair, deep blue and green eyes, and a smile that lit up the whole room. That day seemed so vague now. She was into him? Was he dreaming? He didn't know what to say, he was frozen. He wanted to shout and jump around and go crazy, but he couldn't do anything.

"...Well? Are you going to respond"

"I-I-I-I don't know what to say. I've had the hugest crush on you"

She started to blush

They started to hear more footsteps. He couldn't believe how bad their timing was.

"If you really truly care then come with me chloe"

"I don't know solomon"

"You have to make a choice. Either come with me right now or go back and get caught"


"But what? It's a simple choice"

"No It's not"

"Yes it is"

"We can't"

"We have to"

Solomon started to slowly walk away. They could hear the footsteps getting louder, they were closing in. she wanted to go with him, but there was so many unanswered questions like Where would they go?, How would they eat?, Could they even survive?

"Chloe we have to go right now"

She didn't know the answer to any of the questions she just knew her choices right then and there. Either go back and get caught or go with him. No matter how much she didn't know she knew that she wanted to be with him. All the sudden she was running, solomon was grasping her arm.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2019 ⏰

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