Mario characters x OC's

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Ever single Mario character: run bitch run!

A bunch of ocs are chasing every Mario character that they want to date.

AJ: this ships can be good if they made it with good chemistry in fact there are some good ones that do that.

Peach: is he retarded.

AJ: but others or the most you see online don't do this and become.


AJ: would you shut up I am trying to talk. As I was saying they can be be cringy. And some are cute or in the mid

Luigi: this is like having a harem. Then I don't want one.

AJ: fuck this I am done. Y'all won't let me finish talking. And I was ju

Rosalina: on the brightside my Lumas can have a father now alot of father's and mother's to.

Mario: I don't even know you guys and girls so stop trying to kiss me.

AJ just walks away mad that he can't finish his sentences.

Mario and I Luigi reaction to shipsWhere stories live. Discover now