“Where are you going? I’ll escort if you like.” The man insisted.

“Oh, no. I’m just out for a walk.” I took my cane from the ground.

“Please, don’t mind me.” I tried not to make him worry, as it might cause problems for him.

My boy, you’ve also grown…

~   ~   ~   ~   ~

I took the bullet train and had finally arrived at the place I wanted to go.

“It’s been awhile.” I murmured to myself.
Although it was a very long journey to travel from my place to this house, it was worth it. I had never felt so tired in my life just by merely riding a bullet train.

I stood up in front of the door, seeing how much this place has changed back then. Someone had suddenly realized that I was in front of their door step. A man opened a door, along with a woman beside him.

“Um, excuse me. But who are you?” The man queried.

Right, you don’t recognize me…

“Could you be…Vanessa and Ethan?” I asked them politely.

“My friend Ava told me that I should give this letter to the both of you.” I uttered.

“A letter  from grandma?!” The girl beside the man started opening the letter.

It’s great seeing you two again…

~   ~   ~   ~   ~

I left the man and woman without telling them. Although it was impolite to leave without letting them know, I had no time left.  I was in front of the train tracks, waiting for a bullet train. A bullet train had stop moving, but the doors did not open. I saw another man with his friends inside the bullet train, both of us staring at each other.
I didn’t know I’d see you again, too…

I smiled at him.

We never averted our gazed for a single moment, until he realized something within me. The bullet train had started moving again, heading towards its next station.

“Wait! Stop the train!” The man screamed.
He was punching the window, trying to reach me. He started bawling inside the train, wanting to get out of the train that kept him away from me. From all my grandchildren that I met up with today, Leah, Vanessa, Ethan, and Dale, only Oliver noticed that I was their grandmother.

I’ve never felt so happy in my life.

Who would’ve thought I’d met all my grandchildren during my birthday?

I started crying in front of the train station.
As happy as I was, there wasn’t any time left for me. I could barely feel my whole life within me. Everything started turning pitch black.

~   ~   ~   ~   ~

I, Ava Ultear, have always cursed my own life.

“Please! Someone stop the train!” Oliver shouted.

With anxiety and fury I couldn’t hold back…

“The old woman that kept coming in this cafeteria… was my grandmother?!” Leah was shocked.

And hatred…

“Don’t tell me… the one who came by our house… was grandma.” Vanessa bawled.

But even if it was all too late…

“After all these seven years that passed by… how did we not notice?” Ethan slammed the door house, making him feel regretful.

I felt glad.

“The old woman I helped out this morning… was grandma Ava?!” Dale started crying.

~   ~   ~   ~   ~

And here I am, losing my life at the moment where all my grandchildren only knew that I was still alive. Or so they think up until now.
I had my reason why I couldn’t face them. And it was because I shouldn’t. The letter should explain everything in which the contents I remember very well.

Leah, Oliver, Vanessa, Ethan, and Dale, I’m really sorry. You must be frustrated as to why I left you all, right? It was when you kiddos were all still young, and only I was the one left to take care of you. I did not have money back then, so I was forced to take rob money away from people, even if it means taking their lives.

And because of that, I was in prison for five years. Although that wasn’t enough punishment from all the lives that I’ve took, I made it out of prison.

So one day, I tried meeting up with all of you. But neither one of you noticed who I was, so I tried to run away from everything. Besides, if all of you knew that I did horrible things, I doubt we’d get along.

But hey, it’s your grandmother’s birthday today. Although I doubt every single one of you know.Well anyways, this letter was supposed to be happy, and I wish for everyone’s safety. It’s hard to say goodbye, but I bid everyone farewell.

Don’t forget that I’ve always been thinking about my grandchildren, praying every night that someday you’ll remember me again.
It is my hope that this journey will bring happiness to all.

Live on.

~   ~   ~   ~   ~

I felt blessed…

… at the very end.

I was finally able to forgive myself.


… my loved ones.

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