Third persons view...

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Liam and friends make it to the castle of Lucifer. Lucifer senses his son's power and smiles "so he finally is here"
"Esra go and call Lisa"
After muttering something under his breath he disappeared into black smoke and into Lisa's room. "Princess, the Lord would like to see you!"
Lisa could also feel her little brother's power "Its Liam, he's here, well tell father I'll be there soon"
Esra reports back to his Lord.
With a bang the door fly's open "Lucifurrrrrr!!!!!!!"
Liam screams on top of his lungs... The lord of darkness raises up an eye brow at why his son is behaving that way but still impressed with the strength Liam has.

He opens his arms hopping for a hug but instead he gets punched in the stomach and fly's back to his throne and Liam came running after him. Finally getting hold of Lucifer 's fancy clothing "Why ? Why did you take her life ! Why ? Why did you kill mum ! Why are you killing everyone I ever loved ?!"
The lord of darkness himself got shocked at the statements his son  made.
"Why would I kill Mia ?"
Anger brunt inside Liam like an inferno flame "Don't you dare utter mums name !"
Liam punches him more until Lucifer gets a chance to speak "Why on earth would I kill those who you loved ?"
Liam hesitated to punch him again when he was about too clapping started they both turn to see Esra clapping "Wow, wow, woah it was so nice to see this smack down between you two "
A familiar voice spoke "Yes father indeed "
Liam realised the voice was Dantè's "Dantè ?"
Dantè comes to his father's side "Yes Liam"
Liam let's to of his father's fancy clothing feeling kinda hurt "Why ? Why Dantè ?"
Dantè says nothing but just gives Liam a phyco smile.. 

Lucifer gets up from the broken throne feeling betrayed by his slave "Esra who are you working with ?"
"Me !"
They all look up to see Lisa and an angel
Liam and Damon looks confused and speaks together "What the fuck is an angle doing in hell?"
The father of course feeling betrayed by his slave and blood broke down...
"Well Liam I was the one who sent demons to kill mum "
Liam heart shattered into a million pieces "wh-why Lisa?"
Lisa raised her voice "Because she always ruled my life and my father always kept me a room thinking I'm some kind of diamond ! And I'll get cause some chaos in the world of the living by destroying all angels"
"Lisa you don't have to do this !"
"Just who are you to tell me me that old man ?"
She smirks at Liam "Liam I have a surprise for you !"
Liam looked at her confused and she counties to smile "Bring her out "
Liam notices the worry in the angels face and wonders why .. He sees Cole tied up in ropes "Cole?"
"Yes your girlfriend well she'll be a nice sacrifice !"
The angel comes in front of Cole who whose crying can't stop "You said you would hurt her !"
'What connection does he have with Cole ?' Liam thinks to himself
"Well I lied about that" she pushed away Nicolas and was doing to stab Cole, Nicolas  jumped in front of Cole, instead of her life been taken it was his...
"You idiot !"
Cole managed to undo herself from the rope and went to her brother "Nick ?"
Nicolas who could barely talk "Don't cry, I had too I'll never forgive myself if anything happened to you !"
Tears streaming down her eyes like a river "Don't leave me big brother"
"I have to you have a long life ahead of you so enjoy it "
His eyes closed after saying those words....
"Never mind Liam is just wasting space of earth so how about him"
Lisa was going to Liam until Cole came in front and took the stab, she fell back to Liam's chest and  guards got hold of Lisa and she protested "why ? Leave me alone!"

Esra and Dantè went quietly......

Liam hearts felt as if someone stabbed him in the heart "Cole ? Cole please get up ! Please don't leave me ?"
Damon himself is left speechless by the actions of his friend and it showed the place in Liam's heart that Cole made over the three months they know each other and how much he loves her but doesn't show it.. "He's a tough cookie " he whispers to himself.

The Father torn apart between what happened with his daughter  with his  slaves and Liam's heart  , he finally decided "Liam"
Liam who was holding on to Coles lifeless body "Yes"
He bend down to his son "I can do something but she'll not come back as an angel but as the princess of darkness"
Liam nodded his head.
Lucifer chanted something in demonic language and Cole woke up with eyes pitch black when turned back to hazel brown.....

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