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After two weeks of travelling, fulling flue and stopping at motels we are at Clinton road.. We all get off the car and Damon looks scared because he heard urban legends about this road yeahh its creepy but still you're a ghoul so why fear ?...
As we walk insects start walking on Damon and Damon begin Damon dusts them off after jumping ten foot high.
We walk deeper and a phantom truck drives pass and Damon hides in the  forest. The truck disappeared into the dark night and Damon got out of his hiding  spot...
My legs are killing me but I have to walk. We walk pass the bridge where people say that if you throw a coin over the bridge  the dead boy throws it back and some say they saw the boy appear after the coin is thrown back..
We walk into the forest as the black night covered it as a  blanket.. Strange figures started to appear from the trees and our flashlight's were bright enough to see them, they stared to bow down "OUR PRINCE , OUR YOUNG LORD HOW CAN WE SERVE YOU .... WE ARE PLEASED THAT YOU ARE HERE WITH YOUR SLAVES" 
Dantè got mad at statement and Damon looked scared as fuck!!!
I try to be prince-ish as possible "Well I'm looking for the temple !"
"AS YOU WISH MY PRINCE " They guide us to the temple and I must say its one creepy one it has roots everywhere and drawing of all the sacrifices that took place and things written in demonic Language.... Finally we reach the sacrifice place...
Dantè chanted something in demonic language and what seemed like a door opened.
Dantè lead the way........
Finally I'll destroy the person who ruined most of my childhood

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