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Please note that is chapter maybe be scary
One week later..
"Cole wake up !"
I rubbed my eyes and wake up from my pillow and smile at my mum " Morning mum"
She turns around "Morning my dear"
I get my clothes  and head straight to bathroom.
Some time later.... 
I come out of the bathroom and look at my baggie T-shirt and blue pants in the mirror.
"Perfect wear for the first day of school "
"Cole come down and eat "
"Coming just a sec"
I tidy my hair and walk downstairs to the kitchen.
"Morning dad "
"Morning sweetheart"
I take a seat and eat my cornflakes.
"Ready for school hun?"
I shallow the cornflakes in my mouth "Yes"
After we eat I get into my dads car.
After the quite drive.
"Remember if anyone troubles you tell me I'll fix up that punk or girl"
I roll my eyes and open the door, I get off and close the door and walk away.
"Don't call me kitten, Don't call me kitten, don't call me kitten"
Thank you good lord.
"Bye kitten !"
I turn to him giving a fake smile "Bye dad "
"Hey you gay bicth you still in our school?"
Who said that ?
I turn to my right and see some guys troubling this other dude.
"Take your gayness somewhere else "
Now this is what pisses me off !! I go by them.
"Hey stop it he never asked to be that way !"
They become weirdly irrational "Blondie out of my way"
"No not until you say sorry to him!"
"I have never seen you before are you new here ?"
"Yes and please leave him!"
I gave them a death glare
They walked away and I turned to the boy "Are you okay ?"
He hugs me then he let's go and looks at me "I'm okay thanks those guys don't like me for been me "
I give him a smile "Hi I'm Cole Smith and I like you for who you are !"
He chuckles "Hi I'm Damon Hays and I also like you"
"Cool can you show me to the principals office "
"Follow me"
After that walk to the office and the walk back Damon and I stand outside again.
Damon waves at a guy in a bagge black T-shirt, black jeans, nice glasses and messy black hair(oh how I wanna play it)
"Hey Liam !"
He walks to us
"Hey Damon"
Damon hits Liam or whatever the guys name is on the arm and Liam gives him "What The Hell" look
"Why you didn't come school early? , I had to face jerks !"
"Sorry I got up late!"
"Well next time get up early!"
He looks at me with one brow up and looks at Damon "Care to introduce your little friend over there ?"
Damon chuckles "Sorry! Liam meet Cole, Cole meet Liam my best friend from middle school"
Liam gives a hand to shake and the cutest smile ever "Hi I'm Liam Carter nice to meet you "
I shake his hand and give my widest smile ever"Nice to meet you too Liam, I'm Cole Smith"
The bell for class rings and before I know it i was in front of the class trying to not puke and say anything stupid.
Mrs Beth smiles at me "Dear introduce yourself"
"Hi I'm Cole Smith"
I look around and feel a little dizzy "come on Nicolette you can do this although no one will remember your whole name" I  say to myself.
"I love reading, drawing and anime" My dizziness starts again and I want to puke(Nicolette you have been in far worse situations than this)
"Also I love he-help-helping those who cant help themselves "
I look at the teacher and give "I'm done look"
She smiles "Take a seat next to Liam, Liam raise your hand"
I see his hand raised up and I walk  to him and take a seat. Thank the
Lords of all Heavens I didn't mess up but hey at least this time I controlled it.
I feel someone tap my shoulder I turn to see Damon "Hey Cole join us at break okay"
I give him the warmest smile "Okies"
At break....
Damon takes out his lunch and looks at me"Hey  Cole !"
I look at him with confusion"Yeah?"
He gives a warm smile"Can call you studmuffin "
Studmuffin? What's the cutest name  ever
I smile  back " Sure why not?"
"Oh yes I'm glittermuffin  and Liam is rianmuffin "
I smirk at Liam's nickname 'rainmuffin!' "Cute name Liam"
An moment of silence before Liam speaks "Say glittermuffin and studmuffin I have someone you have  to meet"
Damon stops eating his salad and swallowed it "Well rainmuffin where is that someone ?"
Liam turns around "Hey Dantè come over here!"
A dude comes   from the entrance of the room and stands behind Liam,there's something about him, his icy blue eyes stare into mine as if he wants my soul or Damon's soul, but he seems like a normal teen with neat blonde hair pushed side wards but his presence is dark and gloomy. There's just something about him that sends shivers down my bones.
Damon smiles at Dantè "Come sit down!"
Dantè gives a cocky smile "Thanks"
"This is Cole and I'm Damon"
He smiles at both of us "Nice to meet you guys"
A naughty though runs through my head and I smirk to myself "So rainmuffin  is this thundermuffin?"
Damon tries to hold his laugh but couldn't , Liam gives me "what the hell" look and Dante looks at me confused.
"Oh lord Cole my studmuffin, you're too much gal"
Damon finally stops laughing at the joke I cracked.
"So its decided Dantè that your name is thundermuffin"
"Okay cool I like the name"
Damon claps his hands "Well that's goodie god guys"

Time skip cause I'm every lazy _______________________________
I come out of my shower and wipe out the vapour from my mirror, change  and look at the mess I am.
A still but shivery voice calls my name "Nicolette"
I look around "Whose there ?"
I turn to the the mirror to see my reflection smiling at me.
Third persons view...
Cole looks at her reflection confused as it was grinning at her and steps back in fear and holds her hands on her head.
"This is all in my imagination, it's okay its all in your head" she whispers to herself.
"No its not" the voice calls back.
She looks at the mirror to see  nothing from nowhere she's lifted up and held by her throat she tries to  fight but she doesn't know what she is fighting with.
"Aww don't worry child I'll take care of this beautiful body and kill as many as I can and eat their souls"
Shes running out of breath before she knows it she's slowly dying and the demon that held her by the throat or her relaxation still smiling at her. Slowly but surely its the end for her.
I hear noises but I can't tell who it is whatever this thing is it has a  tight grip on my  throat. I can't breath someone help!
My eyes slowly close and its the end for me for sure.
Suddenly the grip on my throat is taken off and I fall on the coughing. There's  screaming that fills my ears and echo's as if it was coming from battle.
The screaming stops and I'm lifted up by two gentle hands and I can  hear this persons heartbeat but I can't see who it is.
This person pushes my hair from my face and puts it behind my ears"Are you okay ?"
My voice is breaking as I speak "Ye-yes but who are you ?"
I can feel his warm smile as I dig my head into his muscular chest "You'll find out soon"
He carries me and places me on the bed and covers me with my blanket"Good night Studmuffin, I guess we gifted people always face demons and in fact  we all have our demons that slowly eats us"
I hear my from window open and his presence is no more there and I fall off   to sleep.
The next day at break.. 
I'm so lost in my thoughts I mean who was that last night ? Was I dreaming?
My thoughts are broken by Liam and Dante's voices.
Dantè laughs "Come on thats impossible there's no way in the world you could have done that ?"
Liam flinches his glasses and sits "Well nothing is impossible for me"
Dantè turns and looks at Damon and I "Do you guys think that demons are real?"
Damon looks at Dantè shocked then chuckles "Of course not, don't be silly thats all make believe"
Dante's icy blue eyes turns to me "You Cole ?"
I look at his icy eyes and smile "Does it look like I believe in that ?"
He smiles back "Well it doesn't at all but ya know studmuffin it was just a yes or no  answer"
Before Dantè counties to speak hes interrupted by Liam " Gifted people only face demons that and in fact we all have our demons that slowly eats us "
That words could it be ?
Liam looks at me and nods his head.
I have no words to say "I-i , you-you ? "
Words refused to come out of my mouth.
He takes off this glasses and looks at me " Yes studmuffin "
I look at him confused "But how you're human just like all of us ?"
He stares at me "This world has many dark secrets and I'm one of them"
Damon and I look at each other then look back at Liam confused as hell.
"Rainmuffin what on earth are you  saying I'm so confused"
Liam looks at Damon "Sorry"
He smiles  back at me and looks into my sea blue eyes.
Damon sequels and bangs the table "Don't tell me you two are !"
We look at each other then back at Damon "No we are not "
Damon stills gives us a cocky smile "But you two said that at the same time and studmuffin your cheeks are rose red  "
After my blushing stops I give him a serious look.
Damon picks up his hand in surrender "Sorry but I still think you two are one cute  couple "
I roll my eyes "Whatever"
Will update soon!!!!
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