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"He  can be a pain in the neck at times"
"I can see that "
Cole walks next me and very quite for some odd reason.
I grip on to her hand making her stop in tracks.
"Cole ?"
She turns and looks at me in the eye "What you did yesterday it was impossible! There's no where on earth you could have done that because its literary impossible for a human to kill a physical  spirit ?"
Words get stuck in  my throat. Why does she make me speechless at times? There's something about her that makes me feel complete! Every time I talk to her I feel happy I smile a lot and every time I look into her beautiful eyes my pain goes away somehow !
"Hello Liam ?"
I snap out of my thoughts.
"How did you do that ?"
I look around and look at her.
"Maybe we should talk where no one can hear us please !"
She raises a brow then smirks "Why is it illegal ?"
I give my famous 'WHAT THE HELL LOOK'
She gives a sarcastic shocked look "Oh my god its very illegal!"

I give her a serious look and she stops laughing "Sorry!"
I nod my head "Its okay just follow me"
_________________________________________________________________~time skip brought to you by Liams Luciferish looks~___
I press the bell on the door and in no time aunt Jessica opens with a wide  smile.
"Hello Lee"
"Hey aunt Jessica"
Her  eye go on Cole "Hello there dear I'm Jessica Simpson and I'm Liam's aunty but you can call me Jessi"
Cole smiles (god only knows how bright that smile is) "Hi I'm Cole"
Cole steps in first and looks around.
"So how is it to be Liam's girlfriend ?"
We look at each other then look back at her "We are not a  couple , I mean she's not my girlfriend, he's not my boyfriend"
She claps her hand , holds them by her cheek bone and moves led to right"But still you two make such a cute couple! "
"No we don't "
She sequels "I'm not wrong am I ? Cause you both said those words together ! "
I walk to the stairs and Cole follows to my room and sits on the bed while I sit on the chair by my computer.
"So how did you do that?"
I breath in and  out , Liam Carter its now or never.

"What I'm gonna tell you, you are not gonna believe it "
"Ummm go on Lee "
"I'm the son of Lucifer!"
She raises a brow then laughs "I'm the daughter of blooded Marry"
Anger builds up in me then I see that smile that melts my heart.
I give a serious look and she stops laughing "Sorry ! Sorry ! Carry on"
"See my father hates me so he tries to kill me and others around me , and thats why I came to protect you or you should have been dead "
She speaks calmly "But why did you want to protect me ? What about Damon and Dantè your friends ?"
"Damon and Dantè can protect themselves because they have abilities of their  own, you on the other hand can't  focus your powers properly !"
She raises an brow "Okay but that still doesn't answer my question
Why did you protect me?"
Words refuse to come out of my mouth "I love no I just can't !" What is happening to me "Y-yo-you are  very sp-sp-ical I mean special to me "
Her  cheeks go red and she looks at the window "Well your secret is with me I know about Damon and Dantè because he told me telepathically in school, Damon is just a ghoul , Dantè is a demon from hell who works under you its okay for me begin an angel stuck in a humans body is hard because you always keep your powers hidden"
I look at her shocked " Angel ?"
She looks back at me "Yes"

"How thats impossible ?"
"Its not because as long as there's people who believe in us we live, my family for years we protected the good and perished the bad we still do so but women in our family don't get responsibility its been  that way ever since the beginning"
Women stereotype huh!
"So women in your clan is underestimated ? And thats why spirits, jins and demons are after you "
"Yep everyone has a mission"
"Well my mission is to kill my father !"
She raises a brow "Your father? The devil or should I say de devil"
"Whatever, I have a demon and a ghoul I just need a angel "
Her eyes soften and tears falls like a waterfall from her eyes "I'm sorry !"
I look at her confused "why ?"
"I saw your past its full of pain "

"Okayyyyyy but how !"
"Angels of my clan can see the pasts of people and souls "

_______________________________________________________________time skip brought to you by DBZ characters_____________

Third persons view...
After the long talk to Cole about his ambitions in life and they promised each other that whatever was said will be only between the friends. Liam and Cole called Damon via Skype and explained.
"Hmmnmmm so how do we explain this to Dantè ?"
"He can hear us as we speak"
"Woahhhh " Damon was assumed at the fact that Dantè can hear them as they speak.
After that long talk with Damon, Liam and Cole sat down with a box of oreos in front of the  TV. Jessica looks at them as they  laughed ,ate and talked.
Hunter holds Jessica by the shoulder "Its been such a long time since I saw him smile that bright Hunter"
Hunter looks at them and smiles "Yes and she's the reason why he smiles"
She looks at his eyes and hugs him "They make a good couple "
He hugs her back "Yes they do"

__________________________________________________________________Time skip brought to you by Naruto characters_______
Liam's profile...
Mum smiles at me 'Yes dear'
'What is love ?'
She looks at me shocked 'Dear you're just six, but when you find the one then you'll know '
'When it that ?'
She gives me the most warmest smile 'Maybe one day in  the far  future '
'Okay mummy I love you '
'I love you too son, I always have and always will'

I wake up from that dream and put my glasses on and look at picture that my mum and I took out on the day of my birthday.
"Mum if only you could meet this girl then you will know how much I really like her !"

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