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The Umbrella Academy, a place where eight children were adopted, and only five remained. One vanished through time, another died, the final ran away without knowing what they were doing. The thing is, numbers Eight and Four were a whole new experiment, a new type of special, they were twins. Why not just be number four and five? Well, two fours make eight, and after all, there were two fours...


I sighed as I woke up from yet another academy dream, each night I remembered my old life, a life I left 16 years ago. Each morning I'd wake up and tell myself to go back, but never being able to. I missed my family, I missed my twin, Klaus. I hadn't even been able to summon Ben, making me assume he was with said twin. My only company was the old woman who had a heart attack in the apartment upstairs, and even then I refused to talk with her. My powers just got in the way, I had lost count of how many times I'd spoken to a spirit thinking they were alive. Also, I'd run away from that life, still unsure of how I could've left my siblings like that, but I did, and I've never been able to look back. I glanced at myself in the mirror. Small scars littered my shoulders, my escape. Klaus had drugs, I had a small blade.

"Number Eight." I froze as I heard a man's voice coming from my living room. I knew that emotionless voice. I shoved on a hoodie, and some jeans, before walking out. Upon seeing the old man, I froze. "Dad? How'd you find me?" I questioned, he just did his usual knowing stare.
"It's good to see you again, Number Eight. You're the one that got away." I warily walked closer to him, waiting for a huge speech. "You should come home, you've missed years of training." He stated, I scoffed and rolled my eyes.
"I'm not stupid, dad. I remember perfectly your idea of training, locking Klaus and I up in a fucking mausoleum when we were thirteen!" I watched as he stood from his seat.
"Watch your language! You always have been capable of so much more, you and your brother. Shame he took to poisoning himself with that rubbish." He referred to the drugs.
"And not once did you figure that you were the cause, huh? Had to stay the cold, selfish, bastard, protect your name?!" I shouted at him this time, pointing an accusing finger. He looked down in thought, "you should go back." Next thing I knew, he disappeared through the door. I rushed over and opened it, nothing. Instantly, I knew the truth, Reginald Hargreeves was dead. Something in me snapped, the urge to go back even stronger than ever, so I grabbed any money I had, and left. I had to go home.


A day later, and I stood before our definition of hell. What should be a happy place, which it was most nights, particularly Saturdays between 12 and half 12. It just reminded me of the demons, (some literally), I had run from. I opened the black gate, it still creaked the same. Then, I went inside, just like the gate, nothing had changed. As soon as I stepped foot inside, I felt Klaus, the bond was strong again, and to my left stood Pogo. "Welcome back, Miss Coryn." He smiled, walking over. I shrugged, "ahh, well. I guess 16 years is long enough." At that moment, I felt him get closer, and I turned to the stairs.

"Rinny?" Klaus rushed down before I could even say a word, wrapping me in his arms. I started to cry a little, "I missed you so much, Klaus." I whispered, pulling away. Our only contact had been a phone call every two months, if not less. He nodded, wrapping an arm around my shoulder, it was then I noticed he had tattoos on his hands. One said 'hello', the other 'goodbye'. He was also wearing, what I assumed to be, Allison's skirt. "You're so high right now, aren't you?" I questioned, looking at him.
"Yes. Now, since the old man is gone, what do you say we hit up his bar?" I suggested, wandering towards the living area. Klaus happily followed behind. It was as if I'd never left, we needn't say anything else. Everyday, since we were born, we had felt each other, I'd felt Klaus through it all, every bit of pain, and he'd felt mine.

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