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Ali started walking away from the crime scene. She had one arm placing pressure on her wounded arm while she thinks of a way to respond on this encounter. 'Those men are dead'. She thought. 'and the boy was responsible for the whole dillema.'

As she continued to wobble on the street, she began to wonder who the boy is. On how he was able to do all - that. And more importantly, how to treat this wound! little by little, her vision started to blur.  She managed to stay standing for a few moments, but eventually she collapsed on her knees on the ground. Bleeding on an alleyway was something that Ali wasn't expecting to happen to her. Sure, being involved with men with guns was bound to happen especially with her lifestyle, but not today. Not yet.

"Hey, Street trash- " an unfamiliar voice came from her opposite direction. She shifted her now aching body just to see who stated those words.

And there she saw. It was the boy who exited griddy's a little while ago. The boy who knocked all those grown men. The one who killed them.

"Looks like one of those asshole got ya. "  and with that, Ali passed out.

All that she could remember was that she kept passing out every know and then. She remember an exchange of words from a boy and a man carrying her inside a room. They placed Ali carefully in bed and then she slept.

The second time she woke up, she saw a fair woman stitching up her wound. She had placed a few bondages around it and has sanitized the whole wound area.

The third time she woke up was the clearest one. The one that came before feels more like a dream for her. All blur and undistinctable. She carefully examined her surroundings, taking it all in as she looks at it with confusion.

'Who was that boy? He better explain himself'.

She noticed her jacket cleaned and folded on a nearby chair. Her shoes are polished and her beanie that has a small ripped on it has been sewed again. With that, she noticed that she was only wearing a sleeveless white shirt.

'Who did all of this?' as she continued to wonder what the hell happened to her, she heard the footsteps of someone as he or she made their way to the room she was staying At. Ali began to wonder what to do. Sure these people are nice and all but she is capable on sneaking out of the window and never to be seen again. But she needs to get dressed first. And with that injury, she is scared that the stitches might just open up again.

No time for anymore thinking. She prepped herself back in bed. She pulled her blanket and resumed to her sleeping position. As if on queue, her door swung opened and she heard the person approach her. She tried her best not to move. She even her breath as if she is really asleep, but there is no fooling this man. Or should I say, boy.

"Are you asleep?"

He spoke to her in a soothing voice.  Ali shifted herself and is now facing the boy who asked her this question. At first she was terrified - knowing that it's the same boy who just escaped a bunch of bad people, leaving them dead in a donut shop. But for a moment, it didn't seem to matter. 

She flutter her eyes open as she faced the boy on her side.

"No. "

"Good. I supposed you're wondering why all this happened. " The boy began. He pulled a chair near the bed where Ali was laying and sat.

"You just witnessed something that you cannot tell a soul about. Are you with me on this? "

Ali didn't response. She only followed him with her gaze. Sure have some questions but she managed to keep them all together until the end of the boy's explanation.

"My name is Five. " The boy stated. "And you're in for a long ride. I want to fill you in with the details but, I'm afraid I don't have all the time in the world. "

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