Author's Note

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Hi everyone. Here are the first two chapters of my book The Magicians. 

I started writing The Magicians because I was trying to figure something out. I was a huge fantasy nerd, and I was obsessed with Narnia, Harry Potter, Tolkien, The Golden Compass, etc. But as much as I identified with the characters in those books, as I got older I became more and more aware I got of how different my life was from theirs. I wasn't a kid anymore. I was dealing with different kinds of problems than they were. I wasn't battling evil and saving the world, I was just trying to figure out how to make a living and fall in love and feel like my life meant something.

So that's what the characters in the Magicians books do. They go to magic school and fight epic battles and have adventures and do everything else fantasy heroes do, but their lives are more like ours. They're not the chosen ones. Their parents were nobody special. They've got no Voldemort to fight, and no Dumbledore to advise them. They're just as lost as confused as I was in my 20s.

Though unlike me they have awesome magic powers. I hope you like the book. If you do there are two more after it: The Magician King and The Magician's Land. Thanks for reading!

Very best,


Book 1: The MagiciansWhere stories live. Discover now