Chapter 5: Something Crazy?

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Soonyoung's POV:

Today is another regular day for me, we are now here at the school's cafeteria while eating our snacks, all of us kept on laughing but I always take a glance at y/n who was now laughing so hard because of our other friends jokes.

y/n is a really close friend, she is always smiling she seems like she has no problems but when we found out about her condition, I can't help but to worry for her, she doesn't want us to worry so she doesn't show what she feels but I know behind those smiles is a hint of pain.

"Soonyoung are you alright?"

I snapped back to my senses when they suddenly called my name, I nodded and I showed them a smile with matching aegyo and they burst into laughter.

"Ah my head hurts"

Our attention suddenly focused on y/n who was holding her head while wincing a bit.

"y/n are you alright?"

Seungkwan asked while he held her shoulder, I immediately approached her, I can't help but to worry because of her situation, I'm really scared that we might lose a good friend like her one day and I really don't want that to happen.

"Do you want me to bring you to the clinic?"

I asked worriedly while she just smiled faintly before she nodded, she's hiding those pain with her smile, she is deceiving us with those smiles she shows, and it hurts to see a friend bearing so much pain.

I told our other friends to tell the teacher that we would be in the clinic, I helped her while I making sure that she won't get hurt while we're on our way to the clinic.

"Thank you Soonyoung"

I glanced at her face and I can see her smile but her eyes don't tell me the same thing.

"It's nothing, this is what friends are for"

I smiled back, I know that she doesn't want us to pity her, I just really hope that everything will be fine.

When we reached the clinic, the nurse gave her medicine for her headache and she was now laying down on one of the beds inside the clinic, I took a sit at the chair beside the bed while glancing at her.

She was looking outside the window while she was deep in her thoughts.

"What are you thinking about?"

I asked which made her take a sudden glance at me before she looked back at the window.

"I'm just wondering what heaven looks like"

13 Things to do before I dieTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang