"So, her fiance came to save her, eh?" Balto stands up, and glares at Aaron.

"I'm doing more then saving her." Aaron growls, "I'm kicking your a** in the process." 

Then he did exactly that.

Kicked Balto, right where it hurts.

Guess he ain't having kids any time soon.

"It'll take more then that!" Balto hisses, throwing a punch at Aaron, which he catches, and twists his wrist at an angle it really shouldn't be at.

While this is happening, Xavier stands up and runs over, grabbing Aphmau's wrist while Aaron is occupied.

He must have forgotten about Taiya, who kicked him away from Aphmau as fast as he had gotten to her.

"Back off, that's my mother." Taiya growls.

"Stupid kid..." Xavier grumbles.

Taiya punches him in the face as a response.

Xavier kicks her in the gut, and she coughs, but kicks him back. He tackles her, and holds her down while she attempts to kick.

"ZACK!" He yells.

The door bursts open, and Zack stands there. He runs towards Aphmau, but...

He trips half way there.

Which allows Aphmau to stand up, though shakily, and run to a corner of the room, which also happened to put Aaron and Balto in between her and Zack.


"DON'T TALK TO ME LIKE THAT, I'M STILL YOUR BOSS!" Zack yells in response, running past Aaron and Balto.

Aaron sees this, and kicks Balto away, running after Zack and punching him, causing him to stumble while Aaron stands defensively in front of Aphmau. Balto runs forward and goes back to fighting with Aaron. Aphmau stands in the corner, away from them all, and Zack runs toward her again.

This time, her werewolf instincts kick in, and she punches Zack in the face.

"YEAH! Get him Mom!" Taiya cheers.

"I'm over here brat!" Xavier snarls, kicking her in the gut again. She coughs, and turns back around, returning the kick with one of her own that sends him tumbling onto his back. They roll around on the floor, wrestling and punching each other. 

During this, Aaron is punching Balto. Repeatedly. In the face. While holding him up by the back of his shirt. Balto has a black eye, multiple purple bruises, and a broken nose. 

"What, you gonna kill me or something?" He coughs out when Aaron drops him on the floor.

"That depends. Will you leave my family, friends, and me alone if I let you live?" Aaron growls, glaring down at him. 

"Aw, but your little Luna is such a cutie, and her daughters are too. Plus her friends... bet all of them are fun in bed." Balto replies.

"Wrong answer." Aaron retorts, picking him up again and throwing him out the window. 

He lands in front of Chris, and... isn't exactly alive anymore.

Zack growls at Aphmau, and tries to grab her again. This time he succeeds, pulling her into his grasp and covering her mouth. Aaron starts toward them, but pauses when Zack yelps and moves his hand. 

Aphmau may or may not have licked it.

He still holds her though, so she bites his arm, which makes him let go, and runs over behind Aaron. 

Aaron glares at Zack and picks him up.

"Want me to throw you out the window too?" He demands.

Zack doesn't answer.

So Aaron throws him out the window.

Aphmau blows a raspberry at him. 

They look over at Taiya and Xavier.

Taiya is sitting on top of Xavier, cross legged, and is slapping him repeatedly in the face. 

It makes them both proud.

Once Taiya finally gets off of him, she picks him up and tosses him out the window.

"That was fun." She says, wincing a little from her bruises.

"Where are the others?" Aphmau asks quietly, as the recent events start to catch up to her.

"Hopefully getting Cathy and Elizabeth..." Taiya sighs.

"We should go find them, and make sure they're okay." Aphmau says.

"Alright, but I'm not leaving your side." Aaron mutters. Aphmau nods, and the three head off to find the others.


"Katelyn!" Travis yells, chasing after her as she runs off after Elizabeth.

"Hey, wait!" Ein calls, following.

"Guys!" Laurence yells, running after them.

"Laurence w- ugh..." Lucinda sighs.

"Should we go after them?" Kim asks.

"Probably... but what about her?" Lucinda asks, gesturing to Cathy.

"You... won't win!..." Cathy coughs.

"Shut up, you said that three times already." Kim sighs, "We could leave her here."

"No, if we leave her she might get away." Lucinda says.

"I don't think she's going anywhere anytime soon..." Kim replies, referencing Cathy's injuries.

"Fair enough. Leaving her here is probably the best option." Lucinda nods.

The pair of them run off, in the direction where the boys ran, leaving Cathy behind.

The dying brunette manages a guttural laugh, before falling to the side, hitting the floor. Dead.

~Y'all are crazy.

You actually like my crappy writing?
Thanks though, seriously.

Lost (Alpha and Luna Sequel) [Aarmau AU]Where stories live. Discover now