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The story gets bad soon I'm sorry so I'd advise you stop reading now msnsnand

All it took was a accidental kiss 13 11/4/2018

1 week later

Yuuri: Yurio! Are you coming to skating practice today? You haven't gone all week and you leave for the Grand Prix finals in 3 days! *knocks on door more*
Yurio: fine. I'll see you in 5 minutes ( I don't wanna go )
Yuuri: finally! I've been trying all week to- Yurio! Your eyes are completely red and puffy. Don't tell me you've been crying this whole week
Yurio: I've been crying all week
Yuuri: hug?
Yurio: sure...
-as Yurio and yuuri hug...-
Yurio: *starts crying* it feels like a hug Otabek gives when I'm sad
Yuuri: it'll be okay. 3 more days till you get to see him. Now come on let's go to practice.


Yurio: thanks for dragging me along. I needed to practice again. Bye!
Yuuri: *waves*
Yurio: as soon as I get home I'm gonna call Otabek
-FaceTime tone rings-
Otabek: hi Yurio! Guess what
Yurio: 3 MORE DAYS!
Otabek: yep you got it. Three more days till I can kiss you again
Yurio: I can't wait ( wait, are his eyes puffy to? He wouldn't be crying about me to.. would he? He never cries.. ) hey Otabek, have you been crying?
Otabek: ... yeah... all day
Yurio: I've been crying all week
Otabek: I can't take I just want to be with you
Yurio: I miss you a much more
Otabek: I, i, I love you so much if anything ever happened to you I wouldn't know what to do
Yurio: i would slice anyone who hurts you with my knife shoes
Otabek: oh Yurio~
One long FaceTime later
Yurio: well I gotta go to bed
Otabek: me to
Yurio: goodnight! I love you beka
Otabek: I love you to yura

Yurio: look I have your bear *sends pic of bear*
Otabek: and I have your cat plushie
Otabek: go to bed yura it's really late over in Japan
Yurio: fine
Yurio: ❤️🐻

Yurio: 3 more days. I can do this
Otabek: I can do this

All it took was a accidental kissحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن