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Warning: the story gets kinda bad so I'm sorry

All it took was accidental kiss 11 11/3/18

-Bit of a time skip-

3 Months later

Yurio: when do the finals start again? 2 weeks?
Otabek: yeah, I think around that. Now you know this means I have to go back to my home town for a while. That also means two weeks till we get married
Yurio: yeah... I'm so excited
Otabek: and I leave tonight
Yurio: yeah... that's the bad part
Otabek: are you gonna be okay?
Yurio: yeah! I'll just pet agape all day, then go to practice skating, then repeat, until we see each other again in the finals! Isn't that write agape? *pets the cat*
Otabek: okay.. ( I really hope he's gonna be okay ) I'm gonna go pack!
Yurio: okay sounds good! ( please don't leave )


Otabek: the, plane is boarding now.
Yurio: oh, okay *starts to cry a bit*
Otabek: Yurio?
Yurio: I'm okay!
-then they hug and kiss-
Otabek: bye Yurio... ( I don't want him to be sad )
Yurio: bye....


Yurio: I've been petting agape and looking at Otabeks Instagram and fiddling with my ring for a hour now. I need to get up and get ready for practice.
-Yurio gets ready for practice and decides to meet up with yuuri at the skating rink-
Yuuri: hey yurio! Are you okay?! Your eyes are really puffy and red!
Yurio: ( oh crap I forgot to check my face before leaving ) I'm okay!
Yuuri: okay... well let's go in! ( he misses Otabek... )
The girl who runs the rink I forgot her name- hi Yuuri! And, Yurio! Good to see you again!
Yurio and yuuri: hey
The girl who runs the rink I forgot her name: -gasp- the pictures weren't photoshopped! Otabek really did propose to you!
The triplets: really!?!?
Yurio: yeah... ( damnit! Why did you have to bring up Otabek! Now just miss him more! I'm gonna cry )
Yurio: I need to go to the restroom real quick... *runs off* ( just come back already otabek!!! ) *crys in stall just like how yuuri did*

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