Connor watches the puppies eat their food happily while he was drinking some ice tea and making a sandwich for himself. He gets up and pulls the curtains apart, letting the golden hour in, the warm light hitting his face as he smiles at the warmth.

Hank claps his hands and chuckles when the dog jumps into the 25 year olds arms. Hank hugs the canine and let's him go again. He grabs the plushie that Sumo would chew on and places it on the couch to let him occupy himself while the adult writes on his laptop, sitting next to the dog.

Connor smiles at the comments of his friends new post. His friend was a photographer and he would always use Connor as his model. The latest photo was Connor in a sundress with a sun hat and clout glasses. He was sitting on the porch while sipping on a Capri sun. He chuckles softly at the picture. He puts his phone away and turns to look at the puppies who all were huddled up on the couch, sleeping. Connors smile softens and he pets them happily.

Hank sighs out heavily while looking at the picture of his dead son. Cole died at only 4 years old. He wasn't planned but Hank loved him so much. He takes another chug from the beer can while the canine was sleeping on his bed, next to him. Hank lets his head hang down while he looks at the can.

Connor gasps and sits up. He was covered in cold sweat and he was breathing heavily. That nightmare was too real for him. He looks over at the photo frame next to him. He tears up.


Tears roll down his cheeks while he looked down at the baby in his arms. They weren't breathing, not moving one inch. They died while labor. A dead baby. His dead baby. More tears roll down his cheek while he holds the baby close while shaking and sobbing.


Connor feels the hand of Markus on his back.

"Connor, I am so sorry this is happening..."

Leo was crying too, wasn't he?

Carl didn't know what to say.

Can you blame him though?

His son's pregnancy resulted in a stillbirth.

He was looking forward to having a child.

He was looking forward to raising his own kid.

Connor traces a finger along the picture of the ultrasound of his baby. He was surprised to hear the pups suddenly whimper and whine in front of the slightly opened door. Connor slowly gets out of bed and turns the lamp on. He walks over to the puppies and picks them up while walking back to his bed. He smiles softly at them.

Sumo slowly woke up and notices Hank drinking again. He slowly trotts over to him, across the bed and licks his arm. Hank blinks and turns around to look at the big puppy who sits and looks at him sadly. Hank smiles sadly and puts the booze away while he rubs Sumos head affectionately.

"Come on let's go to sleep."


Hank stirs and slowly opens his eyes. Sumo was licking him all over his face. Hank huffs out softly and sits up while smiling at the dog and wiping the drool off of his face.

"Morning, buddy. You wanna go out?"

Sumo barks happily and runs off to get his leash. Hank chuckles and gets out of bed. He puts on his sweatpants and loose shirt. He ties his hair into bun and washes his face. He smiles when Sumo came with the leash and Hank puts it on the large canine. He gets his shoes on and walks out. He sighs out happily at the warm air and the slowly rising sun. He suddenly heard a familiar voice and multiple feet walking down the stairs. He was shocked to see Connor rush down the stairs after his puppies who were tugging on the leashes, happily barking.

He was dressed in silky peach coloured shorts and a loose white shirt tucked into the shorts and a bit of his curly hair was in a palm tree like ponytail, probably to keep it away from his eyes. Connor sees Hank and was about to greet him but gets dragged away by his puppies while he yelps.

Hank couldn't help but laugh at that, he walks after them while Sumo runs with Hank. Once Hank finally catched up to Connor, he grins down at the younger male.

"Need some help?"

Connor nods while blushing in embarrassment.

Hank laughs softly and whistles, getting the puppies attention. Sumo sniffs at the small puppies curiously before licking them happily.

Hank and Connor watch them before looking at each other slowly.

"I did take you as the dog type but so many puppies?", Hank laughs out.

Connor rolls his eyes playfully before giggling.

"Yeah, go big or go home, Hank.", Connor teases.

Hank laughs harder at that.

"Maybe too big for you?"


Hank wheezes and ruffles his hair. He took some leashes away from him.

"Come on, let me help you.", Hank says smiling.

Connor smiles back.

They walk off together.


Hank looks up from his work to look through the glass doors, seeing Connor skate around as usual, serving the customers of the 80s inspired diner.

Hank sighs out softly. He watches the way he would grin at the customers and then just skate off to get their orders while shaking his hips.

This time Hank sighed heavily. He goes on to serving customers coffee.

Connor sits down on a chair and kicks his feets in boredom while watching people play some arcade games. He yawns softly and waits for someone to call for him.

Connor shivered, remembering the nightmare he had last night.


Hank locks the door and was about to walk off but he notices something weird.

The diner was still open.

Usually they close at the same time as the coffee shop does and Hank would've met up with Connor.

Hank assumes that Connor might just need longer with closing but something told him to go and investigate.

[x] [investigate]

[o] [leave]


What will you choose?

Your choice matters and effects how this story turns out!!


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