death metal babe

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S M U T- //

Hank yells while jumping up and down in the crowd with his friends. They finally got to go to a Knights of the black death concert!! The college students headbang to the music. After the song they made a break so that they can get something to drink.

They walk off to go to the stand. Hank grabs himself a beer. The friends laugh while staying in a circle.

"I told y'all this was a good idea.", Jimmy says smugly.

Conan chuckles and chugs his whiskey down.

"Well Knights of the black death is the best death metal band after all.", Hank says smirking.

"Conan? Is that you?"

Conan turns around and sees Connor grinning up at him. Conan grins too and hugs Connor tightly while Connor laughs.

"Hey guys! This is Connor! My friend.", Conan wraps an arm around the smaller male.

Conner was a surprisingly feminine looking guy and that's not because of his outfit he had an unusual dainty body type with a rather bigger butt than guys usually have. He was wearing a Knights of the black death crop top, black ripped skinny jeans, black converse and a choker. To top it all off, he wore eyeliner, mascara and dark red lipstick.

He waves at them shyly. And Hank just couldn't stop staring.

"This Jimmy,"


"And this is Hank."

Hank gives a short wave.

Connor smiles at them shyly.

"Since when did you like death metal?", Conan asks Connor surprised.

"What did you think I am listening to everyday?"


Connor looks at Conan offended while Conan bursts out laughing.

Jimmy smirks at Hank and nudges his arm. Hank turns to look at Jimmy confused.

"You're into him.", Jimmy teases Hank.

Hank blinks and then shakes his head.

"What- no I am not!", Hank defended himself.

"Dude you've been staring for a while now, you know? Just spend some time with HIM- after all the concert isn't over yet.", Jimmy encourages his friend.

Hank sighs defeated and puts his blonde hair into a man bun. After a while the four returned to the crowd and the break was over. Hank was next to Connor who excitedly screams the lyrics. They were jumping up and down to the energetic music.

Hank looks down at the younger male who didn't notice him staring. Hank bites his lips when Connors crop top kept bouncing up and down revealing his stomach for a second and then covering it again.

Suddenly Connor turns his head towards Hank and smiles at him friendly. Hank feels his heartbeat quickening when Connor took his hand and start jumping together. Hank suddenly smirks and gets Connor on his shoulders while holding his thighs.

Connor yelps but laughs afterwards. Hank grins when Connor cheers. Jimmy and Conan watched them and smirk at Hank.
After a while Hank and Connor went to the bathroom. Hank washes his sweaty hands while Connor put on some perfume again. Hank felt intoxicated by the rosey smell and by Connors smile.

Connor turns towards Hank smiling.

"You're really fun! Hank was it? I am glad I got to meet you!", Connor says blushing.

Hank x Connor | O N E S H O T SDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora