Chapter 20

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Tanya's POV
It's been one week since Paris and James. I haven't talked to him because I'm not ready to let him explain. Maybe he didn't cheat but it looked like it and he wasn't a good boy at school, so you never know what he can do.

"Marie?" I shouted from my bedroom.

"Yeah" she answered opening my door and sitting on my bed.

"I want to talk to James but I'm not ready"

"Take your time. You don't need to rush back to him. Talk to him when you are ready and he will wait if he really loves you"

"Thank you Marie"

"No problem" she said giving me a hug before leaving me in the dark.

I've not been out from my room unless if I wanted something to eat or drink. I miss him but I'm mad at him for sitting at a restaurant with another girl when it was our trip to Paris.

My phone buzzed and it was another message from James.

Hi. Can we please talk?


I really want to explain what happened

It's nothing to explain, you cheated on me

I didn't I promise you, please let me explain

Then explain

The girl was my cousin Caitlyn. I had a surprise for you that I needed help with so I asked her since I know her and she lives in Paris

Is that true?

Of course it is. I didn't cheat on you because I love you

I'm so sorry for not believing you. I love you

Don't apologize. I love you too❤️

Can you come over?

Of course babygirl

~ ~ ~
Minutes later James arrived and we explained to the others. I'm so happy I have James back and I'm not going to jump to conclusion next time.

"Babe, I'm tired let's go to bed" I said yawning.

"I'm coming" he said intertwining our hands.

"Good night love" James said kissing me.

"Good night babe" I said before falling asleep in James' arm.

The story is coming to an end and I hope you liked it so far

Sorry for short chapter but I have an idea for another book so I want this to be finish soon

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