Chapter 7

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"What day is it today?" I asked looking at Marie who applied her makeup.

"School day" she said disappointed.

"It's Friday so that's great" I said.

"Weekend!" I squealed looking through my clothes.

"I have a test today" Marie said changing into a dress with black ribbon around the waist.

"Good luck babes" I said winking at her for fun.

Someone knocked on the bedroom door and in came James and Connor with brekfast for us all.

"Thank you babe" I got up and pecked his lips.

"You're welcome, now come and sit with me" he said taking my hand.

"I love what you have on by the way" he looked me up and down then he gave me a wink.

I could feel my self blush even though this isn't his first time complimenting me.

~ ~ ~
"Let's go" Connor said jumping in the car.

"I drive" James ran past us and to the driverseat.

"Okay babe" I said getting in and buckling my seatbelt on.

While we drove it started to rain and not just a little rain but it started pouring down.

James turned the volume up on the radio and Shawn Mendes "treat you better" song came on. We all sang along to it with all strength.

James parked the car after 20 minutes with car jams to all kind of music.

We ran inside the school and went over to our lockers.

"What do you have now?" I asked Marie who was looking at Connor at the other side.

"History and I have the test now" she said starting to shake and getting nervous.

"It's going to be okay" I said trying to calm her down.

Connor walked over and I held Marie's hand and I could feel her getting more relaxed when he came closer.

"Are you okay princess?" Connor asked wrapping his arms around her.

"I'm just nervous for my test I'm going to have now" she said hulking.

"Don't be. Think about me the whole time" he kissed her forehead and the bell rang.

"I need to go know princess, will you be okay?"

Marie nodded and Connor kissed her passionately but not too long.

"See you in lunch"

"Yeah and thank you for calming me down"

"No problem" I said while walking to my class.

~ ~ ~
I walked to my apartment with Marie.

"I hate school" she said kicking a stone.

"Me too but only 3 weeks and we are graduated" I said smiling and clapping my hands.

We were 10 minutes away from our apartment when a car stopped up beside us. A boy with dark brown hair rolled down the window.

"Hey babe. Wanna join us at a party today at 8 pm?" He asked winking.

"For the first, I'm not your babe and the second thing is no" I said walking away with Marie.

"What the hell just happened?" She asked laughing a little.

"I don't know but he's an asshole already"

"Babe, don't be like this" the boy said.

"Leave me alone!" I scream at him in frustration.

"Why babe?" He asked innocent.

"I have a boyfriend you idiot" I said dragging Marie with me.

We walked past a park but we saw the boy's car so we ran to the park.

The boy drove away cause he didn't see us and we walked over to our apartment. I jumped on the couch with my face down.

"What a day" I said laughing.

My phone buzzed and I saw it was a tweet from James.

I miss you already babygirl @TanyaMongeau ❤️

"Look at this cute tweet from my babe" I said showing Marie his tweet.

"So cute. I'm going to like and retweet now. It has already 100 retweets and 340 likes" she said liking and retweeting.

I miss you too babe. Come over later!❤️ @JamesMcVey

I closed my phone and went up to take a shower. I turned the volume up at the highest and sang.

~ ~ ~
"Babe?" I heard James coming up the stairs.

I currently sat in my bed with my laptop and watched YouTube videos.

"I'm in my bed" I said when I heard the footsteps becoming heavier.

The door opened and in came James with food and a gift. He climbed up in bed and under my duvet.

"I have food, snacks and a gift for you. It's not big but I hope you like it" he said planting a kiss on my forehead.

I opened it and inside was a necklace with our initials.

"Thank you James, I love it" I said kissing him passionately.

"That's good"

We ate the food and talked while we watched the movie baywatch because I wanted to. I know a really girly movie but I'm a girl and if he loves me, he should think it's okay.

The movie ended and we were tired so James decided to sleepover.

"I love you" he said kissing me.

"I love you too babe" I said before falling asleep.

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