Chapter 18

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I woke up alone and to a messy room.

Where's James? Maybe in the bathroom?

I got up and started to clean up after us. Then I walked to the bathroom to shower and no James in there.

I checked me in the mirror and saw a post it note on the mirror and it was from James.

To my beautiful girlfriend

I when you see this I'm not in the room. I don't want to tell you where I am cause I don't want to reveal anything. I'm coming so quick as I can, I'm sorry baby but I won't be there to eat breakfast but I love you so much so see you later

Love James

"Awww so cute" I said to myself turning the shower on and stepping in.

After around 45 minutes I was done and changed into a jumpsuit with 3 cm high heels. I applied minimal of makeup and sprayed Victoria's Secret perfume.

I walked out the hotel and down to a nice cafe. I sat down and ordered guacamole toast with a glass of juice and a cup of coffee.

I decided to take some pictures of my breakfast and texting the others.

Hey! What's up?

Hey. Connor, Brad, Tristan and I are on a road trip, you?

I'm eating breakfast alone cause James is doing something. He won't tell me what tho :(

Maybe he's going to propose!

I don't think that bby but it would be so cute if he did

Maybe he's with another girl! 😕

No he's not because if he is I'm going to kill him! You're going home tomorrow so have fun and don't have doubts

Okay I will❤️

Talk to you later and the boys say hi

Say hi from me to them

I will, bye

~ ~ ~
I finished my breakfast and left. I walked down the road and decided to go shopping. I went to Primark, Calvin Klein and many other stores.

After shopping for 1 hours, I walked over to the hotel but on my way I saw a girl and a boy who looked like James at a restaurant.

The boy turned around toward me and I saw it was James. We had eye contact for 2 minutes and he widened his eyes.

Tears started to stream down my face and without thinking I started to run the other way from the hotel and the restaurant. I could hear James about my name but I didn't care.

I ran around a corner and took out my phone and texted the boys and Marie.

James is cheating on me with another girl😭


What am I suppose to do?

Are you sure?

Yes. I saw him and we had eye contact for 2 minutes. I ran away and now I'm sitting in a corner where he can't find me

T, are you okay?

No I'm not. I want to go home now

You're leaving today at 9.30 pm

I know but I don't want to see him. When I'm back in Birmingham, I'm going to breakup with him and leave him forever. He wrote me a note and told me he loved me *photo attached*

He's a dick!

We will wait for you at the airport and we can have a night with only us and no James

That would be great. I really need time with you guys right now

We will buy candy, snacks and movies for us!

Yay. I can hear James shout my name so I need to go

Okay, talk later. Be careful and think straight

I will, bye. Love you guys❤️

We love you too❤️

~ ~ ~
James ran past me without seeing me. I ran up to the hotel and told the women in the reception what happened and she gave me a key for another room on the floor above James'.

I packed my suitcase as fast as I could and took the elevator to floor 3. I locked me inside the room and started to cry. I slid down the door and the only thing I wanted now was to die.

I sat like that for hours and when I was done crying I didn't feel like doing anything but I saw the clock was 9 pm so I called a taxi and left for the airport.

I checked in and walked around duty free for 20 minutes.

"Flight 306 to Birmingham, UK are boarding now" the person at the speaker said.

I walked slowly over to gate 25 and boarded the plane. I sat down at the window seat and a old woman sat down beside me.

~ ~ ~
Hours later the plane landed and I walked over to get my suitcase.

Where are you guys?

We parked at door 2

Okay, I can se you now

I see you

~ ~ ~
"Hey" the others said giving me a bear hug.

Hey" I said getting inside the car and buckling my seatbelt on.

At the apartment they had made the couch cozy with snacks and many movies.

"Let the night begin!" I shouted jumping on the couch.

"Which movie?" Marie asked me.

"Um... Cinderella"

"Wohoo" Marie said turning on the movie and we all snuggled up into each other arms.

Connor and Marie sat and cuddled and I sat between Brad and Tristan. I snuggled up into Brad and Tristan rested his head on my stomach.

CheaterNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ