I Just Want You To Know

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"To my dear Mr. A,

We've been friends for a few months now. I don't have the courage to tell you this face to face, you know that. So, I decided to write instead. Texting would be fine, but writing makes it so much better.

When we were first introduced, I fell in love with your eyes. They reminded me of the ocean, blue and calm. I didn't know how to interact with you at first, haha, forgive me on that account, but I could get lost or drown in your eyes. We can just stare at each other for as long as you want. They are beautiful.

Then, after the first three months, I love your personality. How you're always caring of your friends and family. When I got sick, you were there for me, even when I told you to not come close, fearing you might get sick, but you don't care. You took care of me. Any woman would be lucky to have you.

Let's see, what else? Have I mention your smile? They shine brighter than the stars at night. I love when you smile. It makes me forget about all my problems and sorrows. They can brighten anyone's day, not just mine. So, never stop smiling.

Lastly, your voice is so soothing. When you read to me that book you love, your voice was so tempting and inviting. I feel relaxed listening to you and how I wish I can hear your voice everyday, not just through calls and voice messages.

I have been meaning to tell you how much I love you. I want you to know so badly, but I'm afraid. My insecurities and anxiety often hold me back, but I must tell you. It's now or never. I don't want to go to my deathbed, regretting not telling you how much I love you.

I want us to go to the park during springs. We can have picnic at our usual spot and I can make those sandwiches that you love so much and bring some tea. Maybe you can read to me as I feed you those sandwiches.

If it's summer by the time you get back to me, I want to go to the beach. Remember the last summer? We had so much fun, chasing each other, swimming and burying our friend in the sand. You took me to this spot because you wanted to show me how beautiful the scenery was during sunset. I want to go back there again, but this time, as a couple with you.

If none of the above happened, I'm sorry if you're uncomfortable with it. I don't mean anything harm. I just want to let my feelings out. I love you with all my heart and I hope you know it.


Little Miss Potato.

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