Chapter- 5

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Kayla's POV

I heard someone yell "This Magcon was absolutely amazing!!"

I turned around to see Cameron standing behind me.

"Hey" I smiled.

"Hey Kayla" He said in this weird voice,

"Another Great Magcon, Huh" I laughed

"Yeah it was soooo fun" he laughed carrying on the O.

All of a sudden I heard a hilarious accent from behind me.

I turned around to see Alessia doing the dare I awarded her to do.

I looked to see what everyone else's reactions were and they were all a little shocked.

It was so cute though.

After the kiss faded I looked to see where Cameron was.

I saw Cam coming towards me with a rose.

"What is this Dallas??" I chuckled looking at him.

"I'm trying to do a nice gesture" He laughed handing me the Rose.

I gladly accepted the pretty rose.

He pulled me to the side.

"Hey Kayla, I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend." He Blushed.

"This is kinda sudden Cameron" I said looking at Alessia.

She was laughing and joking around with Matt and all the other boys and I knew she was alright.

"Well I don't Know Kayla like I realized that I kinda do really like Alessia. I know I can't have her though. I'm just looking for someone who is willing to care about me as much as she would've" He said stealing the glances that I kept giving Alessia.

I gave Cam a hug.

"Yes Cameron for this reason, And this one only I will be your girlfriend"

He squeezed me tight. I felt safe in Cams arms.


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