Chapter 26 - I'm sorry I ever left

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(Ignore the Spanish lol)

Alessia's POV

The kiss felt amazing. I loved having Cameron back in my arms. I just loved being there with him. Through everything Cameron and I have been through I always find myself going back to him, I could not help the affection that laid between us. There was just one thing that felt as if it was pulling me away from Cameron. I believe his name was Nash.

(Back to reality)

Cameron and I both let go of the heated kiss.

"Wow" Cameron Muttered. I chuckled at how much that boy made me smile.

I looked to my left to see Nash. My face filled with great worry I didn't know how to apologize. I didn't even know how to start the conversation. He just stared at me with his piercing blue eyes and at that moment I knew I wouldn't be forgiven. I just lost my Bestfriend.

"Nash" I stated.

"Alessia stop" Nash rolled his eyes beginning to walk away.

"Hamilton Nash Grier" I whisper yelled at him.

"What?!, Alessia!, What" He spoke with full on hate in his eyes.

"Nash stop" I said going closer to him.

"Alessia explain to me then. You led me to believe you actually liked me And I believed it completely. Please don't tell me 'you don't like Cameron and it was just in the heat of the moment' Cause honestly that line is constantly used. Legit Aless we all know you like him and that's probably never gonna change" He stated angrily.

"Nash.. C'mon not here" I looked around at the large group of famous people circled around the sudden outburst.

"That's funny" He chuckled staring at me with eyes full of anger "You were obviously weren't enjoying that heated make out session?" He laughed as if he hurt me in any type of way.

"You know what Nash" I was pissed off at his stupid remarks "It's everything that it looks like. I don't like you. Nor do I love you. You've been my distraction this whole time, I know it's rude of me to say... But it's true. I can't keep lying to you. Not like this, not in general" I stated exhausted of the speech I just gave. I turned my back to the now jaw dropped Nash to see what Cameron's expression was, It wasn't even an expression it was more of a blank face trying to process what I just said to Nash.

"So you never actually liked me" Nash sniffled clearly hurt. I turned back around to him "Not never Nash.. I once did to be completely honest" I shook my head. I knew I was hurting him, But what can I do. Nash was there when Cameron wasn't. Although I never let Cameron explain himself after our fight.

"I'm sorry I ruined the moment" Nash huffed walking away. I stopped him, I couldn't end our friendship. Atleast not like this. "Nash through everything we have every been through, your willing to end it just like that" I questioned. "Unfortunately Aless, I'm not gonna fall for someone who doesn't love me" He stated angrily walking away from Cameron and I.

I've never been so shocked. I watched as Nash pushed through drunk women and men, and watched him walk straight out the door.

Did I just let the one friend who was there for me when Cameron wasn't leave.

"Alessia" Cameron spoke to me over the music "Are you alright?". I couldn't look at Cameron, I watched the door in hope of Nash walking right through it again. "Alessia?" Cameron called to me once again. I didn't wanna talk to him. I didn't want to tell him my actual feelings, What if he didn't feel the same way. The kiss could of meant nothing to him.

"Alessia" Cameron softly pushed the strands of hair away from my ear and began whispering into it. "Feelings change, But people don't".

"I kinda just want to end this party" I whispered back.

"I guess that would be okay" Cameron smiled.

"Hey Cam?" I yelled at him before he shut down the entire party.

"Yes Alessia?" He yelled back half way across the room.

"You never fully explained to me who those girls were?" I jokingly teased.

"You have nothing to worry about Babe" He winked gaining my heart to fall to my stomach.

"WAIT CAM!" He chucked turning around to me once again.

"What about Nash?" I was genuinely worried about him. I guess I did kinda love him in a friendly way.

"Let him come around. You did kinda just break the boys heart" Cam shrugged whilst walking away to end the party.

Do u guys think that Nash and Alessia should make up?
Do u want them to end up together?!
I don't know who I ship more.


I hope you guys enjoyed!!
Lexi 💕

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