One ☕

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This is my very first All might x reader fanfiction!! Let me know how I do 😘💕

It was a cold rainy day. The tea house didn't have many customers that day, but you still had good business that day.

The tea house that you worked in was right near shopping district of the city. You had good business and you loved this job better than your past jobs. It was cozy, it was quiet, and 99% of the customers weren't a piece of work. And the pay was good, you couldn't complain.

You were behind the counter organizing the teas and the spices on the shelves. Some of the other waitresses don't know how to put them back in place it bothers you sometimes becuase when you go to make orders, you can find the certain tea or spice right away and it's a little frustrating.

"Its feels all gloomy cause of the rain." You said to yourself. That's when you heard the bell ring from the front door opening signaling that a customer has entered.

A few minutes passed and someone approached you. "Psst, (y/n)." You turned your head and saw your friend , Yoko behind you with a menu in her hands.

"Yeah, what's up?" You asked. "Can you take care of the guy that's sitting on the corner couch. He's kinda creepy looking." She said.

"Creepy looking? You mean like a pervert?"

"No, like...he's scary looking. He looks like a zombie." Yoko shuddered.

You sighed and took the Menu from Yoko's hands and made your way towards the "Creepy" looking guy.

You got a better look at him. He had messy blonde hair, black eyes with blue orbs, you could tell he had a skinny figure under his heavy set jacket and his dark blue scarf. He didn't look all that scary to you.

"Hello kind sir, welcome to our tea house." You introduce as you were to welcome any other customer.

The man looked up at you and then down at the table. "What would you recommend?" He asked In a deep rugged voice.

"Mm...well the English breakfast is pretty good. But on a day like this...Earl grey would be my choice." You said.

"Earl grey huh?? I'll have that please." You gave a nod. "Would you like anything else??" You asked the man.

He look up at you and back at the small menu like he was deciding. "You know, the tea biscuits are really good. They're soft and fluffy. They're made from scratch." You told him.

"Are they now??"

You gave a nod. "And there's this lemon curd that you spread on it, it's sooo good." You said nearly drooling.

The man gives a rough chuckle and gave you a smile. "Sounds delicious."

You wrote down the order. "I'll be right back with your order." Then you made your way back towards the counter to grab the tea and such.

"You actually talked to that creepy guy??" Yoko asked in a whisper.

"He's not creepy, he's really nice Yoko." You said.

"I don't know..." You sighed at your friend and went in the kitchen to give the girls the order and the tea to the people in the kitchen.

When you came back to the front you still saw the blonde man. He was looking out the window and was watching the people and such go by.

He looks like he has a story to tell. He happened to turn his head, and you two locked eyes for a few minutes before you quickly looked away with a blush on your cheeks.

One of the girls from the kitchen brought you your tray from the man's order and made your way over towards the table.

"Here you are." You said placing the tea pot, cup, and the plate of tea biscuits in front of him.

"Why thank you miss." He said. You gave him a smile. "You don't have to call me miss, I sound so old."

The blonde chuckled. "Mind if I know your name?"

"It's (y/n)." You smiled. "That's a pretty name."

"Since I told you my name, you have to tell me yours." You said.

"Yagi Toshinori." You held out your hand. "Its nice to meet you." You held out your hand.

He slowly grabbed onto your hand and shook it. "Its nice to meet you too."


"The tea was wonderful, and you were right about the biscuits." Yagi said.

"Really? That's great, sometimes people would care less when I recommend something."

"Mm, well I enjoyed it very much. Once you talked about how delicious the lemon curd would be, I was hooked."

You smiled at Yagi as he payed for his bill. "Itadakimasu." He said.

You bowed. "Its no trouble."

Then the skinny blonde made his way out of the tea house. You grabbed the money from Yagi's bill and realized he left you a $20 tip and a note on the bill.

"Thank you for your kindness. - Yagi."

Matcha || (An All Might X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now