Stephen chuckles, "Okay, thank you hun."

"I'm serious!" I say as he walks back to his meditating room, "I will blow him to smithereens!"

"Okay, just make sure you tell Peter he had both of our approval." Stephen says.

I sigh. I pull out my phone. Peter had texted me about twenty times. I text him that he had or approval and he responds with another twenty texts.

>·< Time Skip >·<

I walk into the kitchen to get some coffee. Someone clears their throat, I immediatly can tell it's Stephen.

"Hello to you too, my dearest hubby." I smiles as I turn around.

Them my day gets ruined.

"Dad! Before you freak out-" Peter tried to start.

"To late."

"Friday, bring out G15, E09, and I03." I say.

Friday brings them out. G15 appears first and attaches onto me, quickly coverying me. E09 and I03 fly next to me, aiming at him.

I see Stephen sigh before doing some crazy magical stuff. Suddenly we're in the mirror dimension, somthing he's brought me to a plenty times.

"Stephen, I told you; if I ever meet him I'm blowing him to smithereens." I say.

"I know, but that was a month ago, just listen." He says calmly.

I put down my blasters, I didn't even know I still had then aimed.

"Look, me and Pete wanted to show you how much he's changed, but now I'm kinda scared you're actually going to kill him." Stephen says wearily.

"You should be scared, I don't make empty threats." I say.

"I know. Hun, I just want you to listen. I talked to them and they said that Wade hadn't killed anybody. He's just injured them. Some worse than others- but he hasn't killed anyone!" Stephen explains.

I think for a minute. I believe him, if it's coming from Stephen then I trust him.

"What if he changes? What if he's told to kill our Peter?" I ask skeptically.

"I was worried about that too, but Wade said he gave up being a mercenary. He quit and now he's kinda wanted by some people.. But he and Pete are safe, they knows how to protect themselves and eachother. Everthing, and everyone is safe." Stephen promises.

I take a deep breath. "Fine."

Peter's P.O.V.

Dad and Papa dissapear.

"What the fuck?" Wade says and takes a step back. "Where did they go?"

I chuckle, "They wemt to the Mirror Dimension. Remember, Papa's a wizard." I smile.

"Oh.. Yeah. So, what's the Mirror Dimension anyways?" Wade sits up on the counter. I sit next to him.

"The Mirror Dimension is a parallel dimension that mimics Earth's plane of existence. It is complete with the same surroundings and inhabitants, but its visual appearance is distorted like fractured mirror. Also, whatever happens in there doesn't affect the real world. So we're safe if Dad decides to try and blow you up." I say. I remember Papa telling me this multiple times, eventually I memorized it.

Wade groans. "I just want them to know how much I care about you. I've given up my career, my life's work, to be with you. I regret none of it."

I smile at him. "Thank you hun." I give him a soft peck on the cheeck.

He smiles back and returns the kiss with one on my lips. I kiss back. It's simple but sweet. I hear a shimmering sound that's all too familiar.
I pull back from Wade, "They're here."

A second later Dad and Papa appear. Me and Wade stand up.


"Peter, let me talk." Dad interupts me, "I've thought about you two, and with the help of you're father.. I've decided I'll approve of you two dating." Dad sighs.

Wade and I start hugging and jumping with joy.

"But," Dad says sternly, me and Wade stop celebrating as Dad points to Wade, "If I find out your killing people, hurting Peter or even think about hurting him, I will, I repeat, I will send every Avenger, or non-avenger after you and kill you. Starting with me."

Wade seems to be unnafected by his threat. I know he wants to say something back.

"Thank you." Wade says.

Dad seems to be surprised, just as I am.

"You're welcome? Now, excuse me but I need to go finish my work. Stephen?" Dad says and walks away with Papa.

Once they're gone I hug Wade again. "I'm so glad he changed his mind."

"I'm surprised he did." Wade hugs back.

"If anyone can change his mind, it's the love of his life."




Anyways, happy Spring Break! Mine just started and now I have to be in a car for 7 more hours to get to Texas! I know some peoples Spring Break just ended but it's going to be fine, I BELIEVE IN YOU.

Also, my birthday was on the 13th and now I'm 15. I was hoping to post then but I decided against it because the ideas I had then weren't the best. So, enjoy this, have fun on your Spring Break! And if your Spring Break is over, just keep trying and things will get better!

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