A deep sleep

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"Dazzling" Ping pong commented luxuriantly. The butler waddled over to Stephen and did the same. He went to the center of the long table and compassionately placed a basket of breadsticks. Neither of them could reach the breadsticks but that didn't matter to stephen all that mattered was Ping Pong. Ping pong clicked his fingers and smirked "Hogi" he said softly. He pulled out his puppy eyes "Hogi darling I know you wish to read in peace, but could you pretty please get a book of my affection for me please". He rolled his eyes "fine" Hogi replied sighing "I don't get paid enough for this" Hogi muttered under his breath. "Sorry for that... Stephen..." Pingpong said godlike. Stephens face went bright scarlet red with the way pingpong had said his name he couldn't help it. "N-n-no w-w-w-wo-worr-worries P-p-p-pi-ping po-pong. Stephen looked at his measley watch the time was 7:23 he had been there for five hours and thirty two minutes!. That was way more than he intended. But he wanted to stay forever so he decided not to mention the time. However Pingpong had spotted him glancing at his watch with his beautiful eagle eyes. Ping Pong looked at his custom made rolex with his gorgeous self in the background and the end of the clock hands being his glorious face. "You've been here pretty long huh, I guess you could stay long but...." "well I better go then where should I put the book?" Stephen said. "You can keep it." Ping pong replied angelically, "I have plenty anyway." Stephens eyes lit up with elation "r-really?" Stephen asked "sure" Ping pong said happily. " W-well I better leave t-thanks fo-for having m-me" Stephen said. "Thanks for turning up uninvited." Ping Pong said. Stephen blushed and smiled "y-you're welcome" He said trying to be smoothe. The Penguin butler opened the door for Stephen, then Ping Pongs customized Iphone 999999 started ringing, he picked it up and answered the call. "Hey Jingle!" Ping Pong says, "wednesday? Sure, I'll be there." Stephen walked out of the library wondering who Jingle is, the penguin butler escorted Stephen out the door. He got in his bear car it started to rain Bzzt Bzzt his phone was going off.

He answered the call.


"Hey it's me Fern bell"


"Your lawyer"

"Oh, sorry of course what is it?"

"The judge caught a cold so the date of court is changed to next monday"

"O-oh, that's great because I'm figuring out my relationship with Pingpong right now"

"Well it's not going to be that special I'm sure, He does have a boyfriend you know right?"


Stephen cleared his throat and said

"How do you know?"

"His boyfriend is my brother, Chad bell"

"Oh, learn something new everyday"

"Yeah, well I have to go now"

"Are you working on the case"

"I have a life you know"

"Oh, sorry"

"It's okay I get it alot, see ya"


Stephen hung up the phone

Stephen started his bear car and went home. When he got there it was bucketing down. He ran as fast as heu could inside. He frantically unlocked the door and went inside. When he got in the house he was soaking wet. He walked towards his living room set up and Sluggishly rested one's behind on his bear couch. His house looked rather dull and empty compared to pingpongs. He dug through his pockets and fished out the book Pingpong gave him. Somehow is wasn't soaked with water, not a drop had touched it. Stephen looked at it for while. He smiled and a metaphorical light bulb went on over his head. He rushed up the wooden stairs to his bedroom, he gently placed a wooden box on his desk. He opened it up and put the book inside. He passionately smiled and the box, his mind wandering off on dreams about him and Pingpong. He gently closed the box and put it under his bed. He went back down stairs to his light tiffany blue and white checkered kitchen. He steps over to a flower pot of the counter, in the pot are blue hydrangeas. He got a knife from the wooden knife holder and gloomy cut three slices of bread. Usually Stephen would be ecstatic when making food.

But compared to spending time with ping pong everything was dim. He placed the knife aside and opened his white pearlescent fridge. He looked inside and sighed. He didn't want to make anything without Ping pong. So he grabbed his bread and walked upstairs to his room. He closed his door and fell onto his bed. Stephen chewed slightly on his bread. He looked up at the ceiling and thought. He thought about how great, beautiful and elegant Ping pong was. He couldn't get him out of his head. "Ping pong" he sighed. Stephen closed his eyes and imagined him and ping pong getting married. He gently smiled. Suddenly his eyes opened. And it was as if a switch was turned on. He raced to his desk and pulled out a piece of paper and a pen. He wrote on his table by his window. His hand was moving without him thinking. He vividly described Ping pong and his house and how he was infatuated with him.

 He opened his eyes.He had fallen asleep whilst writing. His phone was laying next to him and was repeatedly making a dinging sound. He checked his phone and he had gotten messages from pingpong, he didn't know how because he never gave pingpong his number. Stephen opened up messenger and read the texts they read. "Hey stephen!" "I wanted to personally thank you for visiting me yesterday I was great having you as company!" "I was going to get some ice cream at the park, would you like to come with me?". Stephen blushed uncontrollably just at the thought of going. He took a deep breath and started to type. "Yeah I'd really really really love to!" He wrote. Stephen looked at it again "No, no" he said" He changed it to "Yeah, sounds like fun, what time?" He pressed send. He put the phone down.

"I'll be there in an hour!" Pingpong types back. ''Only an hour!" Stephen thought to himself in a panic. He jumped up and ran to his bathroom and closed the door. It's a good thing his roomate Wayne wasn't here he would hog the bathroom all day. Stephen took the quickest shower he had ever taken but he still made sure to make himself clean. He got out of the shower and scoured his dresser for his best clothes. They were in the wash so he went for the second best thing. He took a aquamarine plaid shirt and a pair of light brown cargo pants. "This will have to do" He said smiling. Stephen dried himself of and put on his clothes. He checked his watch, and an hour had passed. "Bu-but I-I" suddenly the sound of someone pulling into the driveway filled the air. Stephen ran down stairs and opened the door.

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