stan stared down at the boy who's cheeks were turning red and suddenly seemed to shrink. he looked down at his own bare chest and sighed. if the boy weren't so cute he'd slam the door in his face and tell him to fuck off.

"hey stan where's my—" richie stopped just behind and looked down at the cute guy standing in front of his roommate. he looked back up at stan who was glaring at him. "is this your fuck buddy?"

stan rolled his eyes and eddie glared at richie, "fuck buddy?! i came over because your music is so damn—"

"richie turn off the music before you find all your shit in the dumpster tomorrow." stan seethed and richie hurriedly went back to his room.

stan looked back at eddie and the music abruptly stopped leaving silence. he sighed and rubbed his hand over his face.

"look, i'm sorry, he's an asshole"

eddie hid the smile on his face and coughed, "yeah." he turned on his heels to go back into his apartment just when stan was about to ask for his name.

stan stared at the shut door across the hall and smiled softly, "207..."

the bed dipped suddenly and stan opened his sleepy eyes to see richie hovering over him with a wide grin.

"morning staniel. how was your shoot and scoot?" he wore a shit eating grin and stan rolled his eyes

stan shoved richie off of him, making him nearly fall off the bed, "i didn't sleep with him"

"damn, i would of. you see that ass?" richie whistled and stan shoved him

"don't look at his ass.." stan grumbled and richie raised an eyebrow at him. he began poking stans side and 'ooo'ing

"ooooo stans got a crush! look at you getting all protective!" richie gushed and stan frowned and blushed

"do not." stan rolled his eyes and swatted richies hands away.

richie jumped off the bed and adjusted his backwards hat, "do to, and lucky for you, i'll be out tonight at the club with beverly. soooo.... you have time to fuck this mystery boy"

stan threw a pillow at richie as he ran out of the room giggling.


he stared at the flowers in front of him. some were bright and others were an assortment of dark shades. daisies? marigolds? carnations? no too much...

in a glass case laid a few deep red roses. just enough and not too much.

stan has always been a perfectionist. especially about how he looked. like his clothes, they were always washed a certain way and his outfits always matched. he kept his hair cut nicely and used product to keep his curls from frizzing uncontrollably.

today, he wore a dark blue sweater vest over a light blue button up shirt, rolled up to his elbows and black jeans to match. not too fancy but also not lazy.

he stared at 207's door and sighed. "now or never"... he said under his breath as he knocked on the door.

he heard the patter of feet and the door click as it opened to show the pretty boy with big soft eyes and a warm blush. his hair was neatly parted to the side, blonde waves contrasting with his light golden tan skin. today, said boy was wearing overall shorts and a black hoodie underneath it. his feet had white socks with frills at the hem.

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