Chapter 9: Unexpected Visitor

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"How is it that I can't make a simple decent thing" I scowl as I look down at the burnt bread which makes Peeta chuckle, more so amusingly, this is what happens when Peeta makes me make something myself, it all just burns

"I mean, you didn't start a fire" he teases, I softly hit his shoulder and he takes my burnt bread

"That's not funny. Your lucky that your a good baker" I grin and he raises his eyebrow at me

"Good? That's interesting, you seem to really enjoy what I make you. I suppose that you think it's just good, right?" He replies, pulling me against him

"I don't know... maybe you could convince me" I say, our lips join together and it starts of soft and innocent, that is until the hunger in my stomach comes back but it's more intense than it's ever been, we stumble up the stairs together but just as we get to our room he stops us

"Damn it... I promised Rory that I'd help him practice making some of the foods he has trouble making" Peeta groans which I obviously scowl at

"Your serious? Can't you just be late?" I protest but he chuckles and kisses my lips

"Nope. Your never late to the woods and so I will never be late to my bakery" he replies and I just roll my eyes at him

"Fine, but you better not be home late" I warn and he grins

"And why's that?" He teases

"Because... I'll be waiting and trust me, you don't want me waiting for long" I whisper against his ear, Peeta is hesitant when he leaves which amuses me. To pass by time I decide to check on Haymitch like always, Peeta and I like checking up on him, mostly because we don't really have a lot to do in our spare time other than do just that. Haymitch still drinks, he even manages to get sneak extra when we all don't know but he obviously doesn't care what we think and does it any way, even when Peeta tried talking to him, it didn't work and we've all decided to just leave him be.

Peeta and I have officially been together for a year now, our year together has all ready been tough with all the opening up, mostly me opening up, and trying to get by with all the nightmares and flashbacks that aren't too far behind but we both manage with each other. Peeta gets me through my nightmares, waking me up and reassuring me that it was a nightmare or when days get rough when I think about Prim, he's there to comfort me with his words and warm embrace. I also help get Peeta through his flashbacks the best I can, sometimes I can't do much but let it pass by but if it gets bad then I talk him through it, I tell him the love that I have for him and it always gets him through it.

I walk into Haymitchs home and my nose scrunches up at the smell, I'm guessing Hazelle hasn't gotten the chance to come around yet, I find Haymitch passed out on his chair with a butter knife in his hand, I roll my eyes and fill a cup full of water, I keep my distance before chucking the water on his face which makes him thrash around, waving the knife around in the air as he yells out but soon realised that it's just me

"You should really stop doing that, sweetheart" he snaps

"I will when you stop calling me that awful name" I scowl, I hate him calling me that and he knows it but I don't find it amusing

"You're really a piece of work, sweetheart" he grumbles, I glare at him and sit on his couch

"Maybe don't drink so much. You're actually less irritable to be around when you don't drink that much" I reply

"Hence why I drink" he waves his bottle before taking a drink and I roll my eyes at him

"Your not so pleasant to be around either you know, at least Peeta waits for me to wake up" he adds and I scowl at him

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