Chapter 8

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Uriah's P.O.V.

It has been a month since I told my brothers about everything and I've been going to counselling every day during lunch recess. We went to the doctor and he gave me some medication that will help me with my nightmares and for everything else. I've been sleeping somewhat better and I've only been having nightmares once or twice a week.

It's almost Christmas, and my birthday already passed. My brothers still haven't said anything about it. Even when Maverick took me to go get my cast off on my birthday, he never said anything either. I mean, my birthdate is right on the card. Tomorrow is the last day of school until the Christmas break, and I'm really looking forward to not seeing all the douchebags in my class.

I just got on the bus and Henshaw sat beside me.
"Hey Urine." He said as he sat beside me.
He pushed my face up against the window and I tried to get away, but he was too strong. He let go of my head and sacked me.
I winced and he punched me in the back.
I arched my back and he laughed.
"See ya later, Urine." He smirked and went over to another kid's seat.

Once I got home, I laid down on the couch and after an hour, I got up the courage to pour myself a bath. My back hurt so bad, and the hot water felt so good on it. I sat in there for two hours until the water became cold, and then walked to my room. I changed into a pair of jogging pants and was about to put my shirt on when my bedroom door opened.
I screamed and covered myself with my shirt while Ellis screamed because I scared him by screaming.

"Brat, chill. I've seen you with your shirt off before. You're allowed to not wear one." He said.
"I know. But what if I was naked? You need to knock first." I replied.
"I don't need to knock, since this is my room. It wouldn't have made a difference if you were naked. Mom made us take baths together when we were kids and I helped mom change your diapers when you were a baby." He told me.
"Well, a lot has changed since then. I don't know why we're even having this conversation. Just knock if you know I'm in here and the door is shut, please." I replied and turned around.

I was about to put my shirt on when Ellis asked me "Where is that big bruise from?"
"Nowhere." I answered and put my shirt on.
"Don't give me that shit, brat. Tell me who gave you that bruise." Ellis demanded.
"No." I replied.
"Fine. When Maverick and Jonas get back from the grocery store I'm telling them about it." Ellis said.
"Fine by me." I replied and walked past him to the living room.

I sat on the couch, making sure that my back didn't touch the couch, and I turned on the tv. I didn't have any homework so I started watching Jeopardy. The front door opened after half an hour and Jonas walked in with Maverick. They put all the groceries away and Jonas started making dinner while Maverick went to go start laundry.

Ellis came into the living room and over to me.
He grabbed my arm and pulled me into the kitchen.
"Mav, come in here!" Ellis called.
Maverick came into room and said "What is it, El?"
"Show them." Ellis told me.
I didn't do anything and Ellis sighed.
He turned me around and lifted my shirt up to show them the big bruise.

"Who did that? Ellis did you do that?" Maverick questioned.
"No. It wasn't me. I saw it while he was putting his shirt on." Ellis replied.
"Who did that, brat?" Jonas asked.
I didn't say anything and he sighed.
"Uriah, who did that?" He asked again.
"Henshaw." I answered.
"That son of a bitch!" Ellis replied while slamming his fists on the counter.
Damn, I guess we all do that when we're upset.

"Who the hell is Henshaw?" Maverick asked.
"Some kid who thinks he's all that and a bag of chips. He's a troublemaker." Ellis answered.
"But why is he going near Uriah?" Jonas asked.
"I don't know. Explain, brat." Ellis answered.
I looked down at the ground and didn't move.

Ellis shoved me and I stumbled. He pushed me again and I fell to the ground. Before I could get up, he put his foot on my back to keep me down and said "Tell me why Henshaw is going near you."
I screamed in pain and started crying since he was pressing down on the bruise, which he obviously knew he was doing.
"Ellis, let him up. You're just making it worse." Maverick sighed.
Ellis took his foot off my back and lifted me up so I was in a standing position.
He let go of me and said "Tell us."
I wiped my tears away and Ellis sighed.
"Stop crying. Tell us what happened." He demanded.

"He's been messing with me since my first day of school. He calls me Urine and punches me every day." I told them.
"When does it happen?" Jonas asked.
"On the bus ride home from school." I answered.
"And you just sit there and take it from him?" Maverick asked.
"Yeah. I can't get into any trouble and fighting back would get me in trouble." I answered.
"If somebody is hurting you, hurt them back, stupid." Ellis replied.
I sighed and grabbed a bag of peas from the freezer.
I laid down on the couch and put the bag of peas on my back.

I watched tv until Maverick told me that dinner was ready. I put the bag of peas back in the freezer and went to the kitchen. We started eating and I pushed my food around my plate.
"How's your back?" Maverick asked me.
"A little better." I answered.
"Eat please." Maverick replied.
I took a few bites and asked him "Can I be done now? I don't really feel like eating."
"Sure." Maverick answered.
"Gee brat, if you didn't like my cooking you can just tell me." Jonas laughed.
I didn't respond and I went back over to the couch.
I laid down on the couch and I heard someone open the freezer.
They walked over to the couch and touched the ice pack to my face.
I scrunched up my face and moved away from the cold.
I heard Ellis laugh and he put the ice pack on my back.
He went back over to the kitchen and I watched tv for a few hours.

"Get up. Go to our room." Ellis told me.
"No. I'm too tired. It'll hurt to get up. I might wake you up from screaming anyway, so I should just sleep out here." I replied.
"No. We're watching tv after you go to bed." Ellis said.
"Well, have fun watching it on the ground since I'm not getting up." I replied.
"That's it. I'm getting Maverick." He sighed.
"Mav!" He called down the hall.
"What, El?" Maverick sighed coming into the room.
"He won't get up." Ellis said.
"Okay. What do you want me to do about it?" Maverick asked.
"Make him move." Ellis whined.
"You sound like him now, El." Jonas butted in.
"Shut up. Just get him off the couch." Ellis replied.
"Fine." Jonas and Maverick said.

"Brat, get up. I will resort to putting you on the floor if you don't get up within ten seconds." Jonas said.
I didn't move and he took the ice pack off of me.
"Go put that back in the fridge, Ellis." Jonas said.
Jonas lifted me up so he wouldn't hurt my back and set me down so I was standing.
I went to my room and shut the door.
I shut the lights off and got into my bed.
I closed my eyes and soon fell asleep.

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