Chapter 3

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Uriah's P.O.V.

Jonas woke me up the next day and they went to the funeral home and to do other stuff while I was forced to stay here and pack everything up. There were a couple of guys coming for the tables and other furniture today. Maverick told me to watch them move everything and help them if they needed it. And of course, the important thing, to also get their money that they used to buy the stuff with.

The guys just came and I worked some of my amazing little kid magic, and they gave us an extra twenty bucks. Well they didn't, but the lady who was with them thought I was adorable, so she gave me twenty bucks for "helping" her husband and their friends bring the table out along with some other junk that they had come for and bought.

Maverick is taking dad's truck since dad left him it in the Will, and Maverick is selling his old truck. After the funeral tomorrow, we all have to go to the courthouse where Maverick and Jonas become Ellis and I's legal guardians. Ellis is almost eighteen, but he still needs a legal guardian.

I was reading a book when my brothers came home. Not even ten minutes later, somebody knocked on the door and stated that they wanted to but Maverick's truck. He even gave him above the asking price. Maverick handled all the financial stuff with the guy and sold it. I had already packed everything up, so I went to the backyard and sat down on our patio.

I sat there for a few hours until it got dark out.
Maverick and Ellis went to go do something, and Jonas was watching tv. I sat down next to him and he said "Not a kid's show go upstairs."
"But I have nothing to do." I whined.
"I don't care. You can't even watch tv with your concussion anyway. Go find something to do. Now go upstairs." He said, getting mad.
"No." I replied.
"I'll tell Maverick that you weren't listening to me." He threatened.
"Do it. He doesn't care about me and neither do you or Ellis." I said.
I could tell he didn't know what to say and he angrily sighed.
"Just go upstairs." He demanded through gritted teeth.
I ran upstairs and to my room.
It was all packed up besides my bed, which we are taking with us tomorrow when we leave.

After a few hours I started getting hungry since I hadn't eaten anything all day besides a couple cookies. I went downstairs to see all of my brothers eating Chinese takeout and they didn't even bother to look at me.
"Where's mine?" I asked.
"You didn't get any, you were asleep when I went to go ask you. Now give me the money that the people gave us for the kitchen table and the other junk." Maverick answered.
I took it out of my pocket and gave it to him.
He took it and counted it.

"Why is there an extra twenty bucks?" He asked.
"The lady thought I was cute." I answered.
"What a mistake that was." Maverick scoffed.
"Go back upstairs." He said.
"But don't I get food?" I asked.
"No. I already told you that. Now go upstairs. If you want food, grab something from the box of food in the kitchen." He answered.
I sighed and walked to the kitchen.
I grabbed a box of cookies and ate the whole box.
Then I grabbed a couple PopTarts and ate them too.

Once I was full, I went up to my room and laid on my bed while staring up at the ceiling. I wish mom and dad put in their Will that someone else would get custody of me. I don't want my brothers to. They hate me and treat me like shit. I don't know why my parents didn't realize that they're not suitable guardians for me.

Jonas came into the room without knocking and said "Bring your boxes downstairs."
"I can't." I replied while holding up my left arm that had a cast on it.
He rolled his eyes and said "Fine. I will. But label them right now."
I grabbed a marker from my desk and wrote my name on my boxes.
He took them downstairs and I stayed in my room.
"Brat, come down here!" Maverick yelled.
I sighed and walked down the stairs and into the living room.
"We need to talk about how this whole thing is gonna work." Maverick said.
I nodded and sat in the living room.

"So you're gonna be sharing a room with Ellis. You will have chores and if you don't do them, you get grounded. You're going to the same school that Ellis goes to. If homework is not done or we get calls from teachers about you acting up in class or anything like that, you get grounded. Next summer you will be getting a job. Curfew is 7 o'clock and bedtime is 9 o'clock. You wash your own dishes, clean your own room, and you do not invite anyone over. If you have a project to do with someone, do it during school hours or at the library. If you do anything after school, you find your own way home, that doesn't include us. You take the bus to and from school. Ellis has football practice every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. They last from 2:30 to 3:30. He also does tutoring at school every day. The tutoring sessions last from 3:30 to 5:40 on Monday and Wednesday. On Tuesdays and Fridays the tutoring sessions last from 2:30 to 4:30. He will be home by 5 o'clock on Tuesdays and Fridays." Maverick told me.
I nodded and Ellis said "Okay, that's all we wanted you for. We're watching a horror movie which you can't watch, so go back to your room."
I walked up to my room and went to bed.

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