Chapter 7

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Uriah's P.O.V.

It's been a few weeks since the accident and I've already started school. I haven't been sleeping the past couple days and I'm insanely tired. My face doesn't have any bruises anymore and neither do my legs. My brothers have tried to get me to eat more, but I don't eat a lot anyway, so I usually don't. Football season is over, and thankfully I never had to go to any of Ellis' games except for that one when I first got here. I no longer have a concussion and I get my cast off next week, on my birthday.

School just ended and my teacher stopped me before I left.
"Uriah, are you okay?" She asked.
"Of course I am. Why do you ask?" I answered.
"Well, you just look very tired. Is everything alright at home?" She questioned.
"No. I was just up late studying for the quiz we had today." I replied.
"Okay. But is everything alright at home?" She asked me.
"Yeah. Now if you excuse me, I have to catch my bus before I'm late." I answered and ran out the school door.
I got on my bus before it was about to leave and Ellis wasn't on the bus like usual. He is on in the morning, but never at night. I sat down in my usual spot and this bully, named Henshaw sat beside me. I don't even know his first name, everyone just calls him by his last name, which is Henshaw. Henshaw isn't on in the morning, so Ellis never sees anything that Henshaw does.

"Hey Urine." He smirked.
"It's Uriah." I said through gritted teeth.
He calls me Urine every day and it bugs the hell out of me.
"No, I'm pretty sure it's Urine." He smirked.
"Just leave me alone." I sighed.
"Well why would I do that? We're friends, right?" He smirked.
"No, we are not." I replied.
"Are you sure about that Urine?" He laughed.
"Positive. Now leave me alone." I said.
"Fine. Bye Urine." He replied and hit me where the sun don't shine and punched me in the face before moving onto his next victim.

I held myself and then winced as my face started to hurt.
His stop is right before mine and when his stop came, he got off.
My stop came and I walked up the driveway.
Maverick had a key made for me which I used to open the door.
I started doing my homework and did the chores that Maverick has me do everyday, which are exactly the same ones that he gave me the first time.

Maverick, Jones and Ellis all came home around 7:30 and Maverick made chicken and vegetables for dinner.
"So brat, your teacher called me today while I was at work." Maverick said.
I didn't look up at him and continued eating.
"She told me that she's worried you're not getting enough sleep. So I said 'Well that's odd, since he goes to bed at 9 o'clock and gets up at 6:45 every morning. That's nine hours of sleep every night.' She replied that she was worried about you still. Now why would she do that? What did you tell her?" Maverick told me.
"I didn't tell her anything. She approached me at the end of the day and asked me if I had been sleeping and if my home life was okay. I told her I was fine and everything here was fine." I replied.
"Great, except everything here is not fine. You wake Ellis up most nights by screaming." Maverick said.
"Yeah, and if I told you the reason, you wouldn't believe me." I replied.
"Oh really? Try me." He scoffed.

"So you all seem to forget that I was in the fucking car too the night of the accident. I was the one who got crushed by dad's seat and almost died. I was the only person to have lived after seeing the truck's headlights and hearing everyone screaming. That's what I see and hear every time I close my eyes at night. So I'm sorry if I'm inconveniencing him by reliving the worst thing that has ever happened to me in my life every single night." I told him.
He didn't say anything and it was silent for a minute.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Maverick asked me.
"Because you would have brushed it off." I answered.
"No we wouldn't have." He replied.
"Yes you would have because that's what you've been doing to me for the past couple weeks that I've been living with you." I said.
"We haven't. Name one time." He replied.
"The second day we were here, you didn't want to deal with me, even though I did nothing wrong, and you sent me to my room. And the only person that has asked me if I was okay since the accident, was my teacher today. None of you fuckers even asked me if I was okay. I'm a kid who heard and watched his parents die. What part of that would make you seem like I'm fine?!" I exclaimed.
"Do not yell at me." Maverick said through gritted teeth.
"I know you're hurting. If you want to talk to someone, we can find someone." He added.
"There's a counsellor at my school." I informed him.
He nodded and I said "I have the right to yell at all of you, none of you acted like I matter until you got that call from my teacher."
I could tell Maverick wanted to go off on me, but he refrained.

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