“What happened?” Zayn asked, worry clear on his voice.

Shit. I can’t tell them. What am I supposed to say Oh, Hailey walked in on my making out with her best friend in a closet and now I’m crying cause I lost her. That isn’t going to work. My head scrambled to find a answer and in panic I blurted out the first thing that came in mind.

“She cheated, with Connor.”

Hailey’s POV

I hurried a sobbing Connor out of the building and down the street. Not really thinking, letting my feet guide me down the roads to where I knew Connors dorm was. Once I was there, I punched in the key on the door and threw it open.

I got a sobbing Connor on the bed and laid him down, sitting down next to him running a hand through his hair, quietly and gently shushing him. I was crushed, this was the face of heartbreak.

“I love her…” He croaked out before returning to sobbing. I felt my heart break more than it already had.

I don’t know how long it took for Connor to cry himself out, but eventually his cries turned to hiccups. I leaned down and kissed his forehead.

“Take a shower, I’m going to make some tea.” He nodded, emotionlessly standing and making his way to the bathroom. Once I heard the shower turn on I left for his kitchen, pulling out a box of my favorite tea I knew Connor always kept. I put water on the kettle and sat down on a chair at the table, sighing as I sat. I tried to think of anything else than that terrible vision of my boyfriend all over my best friend. But I failed, and that same image kept replaying in my mind until I heard the kettle go off. I wuickly stood, making my cup of tea before curling up on the couch with a blanket, staring at the wall. I couldn’t eve find it in me to cry. I had no idea what had just happened. I just sat there, sipping my tea, my mind blank until I saw Connor squat down in front of me.

“Its ok to cry Hailey.” He whispered.

And that’s all it took for me to loose it.

He carefully took my tea before pulling me into his lap where I cried myself to sleep.

I woke up the next morning on Connor chest, seeing his tear stained face as all last nights memories came flooding back. I stood up and brushed myself off going into the bathroom to try and make myself presentable before I headed back to the hotel room. I ran a brush through my hair, one I could tell was Amy’s then wiped off my face. I quickly wrote a note to Connor before heading out.

The hotel was practically right next to the campus, so I took a nice early morning walk. It felt nice, peaceful, but left me alone with my own thoughts. I thought bout what I was about to walk into. The boys were probably pissed at Harry, or had no idea what happened last night. I really didn’t want to explain it all.

Then I thought about how Harry was. Was he upset? Crying? Happy? Finally satisfied? Why had it done it? Was I not good enough? I sighed deeply, realizing I had let my feet carry me to the front of the hotel room. I realized I didn’t have my key to the room so I knocked.

About a second later a smiling Louis opened the door, but his face went hard when he saw me. He called back for all the guys and they all stood at the door just glaring at me.

“Hey guys…” I said trailing off when they all glared harder, if that was possible.

“How dare you act so innocent.” Louis got out through gritted teeth as all the guy continued to stare through me.

“What are you talking about?” I asked quietly, beyond confused now as Liam took a step forward.

“I can’t believe you right now!” He nearly screamed.

“What did I do?” I asked, nothing I did could be worse than what he did, what’s was the problem.

“You are a cheater!” Niall screamed out. “He’s been crying all night! What the hell have you done!” He yelled as I got really confused.

“Leave.” I heard another voice say. I nearly started crying when I realized it was Zayn. My brother. They all thought I was the one who cheated.

“NOW!” He screamed as I saw Harry walk in the room from behind his cheeks also tear stained.

‘I’m sorry’ he mouthed to me before turning around and walking inside. That’s when I realized. He had told the guys I cheated on him with Connor. Not him on me with Amy. I burst into tears again, as I turned around and sprinted out of there.

To get anywhere, as long as its not here. Not near him.



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