A Deal For Blood

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We quickly ran to the limo and I tried to keep him sitting up. "Drink my blood, Zarroc you need to feed." He shook his head and pulled away from me I pulled him to me and moved my hair aside. "Do it, please before something bad happens." At first he tried to push me to the other side of the limo so I would be sitting across from him but I held onto him and looked at pleading for him to drink from me. He soon relaxed and he moved to my neck and licked me just barely grazing my skin then I felt his teeth press through and I held onto his shoulders as I slowly began to feel my body going numb. There was a little pain but it soon ended as he let go of me and I sat on my knees in front of him. His eyes changed from blood red back to silver and he leaned over to me and licked my neck closing the two holes that were there and my skin was fine as if it never happened. I sat across from him and we rode in silence until we reached the mansion and he stepped out and I tried to follow him but my legs began to feel weak and he ran to me and caught me in his arms. I then relaxed as he carried me inside and put me down in our bed and I held his hand. "I am so sorry Luna, I should have been paying attention to getting more blood for myself but before I bought you I got lonely and for several days I didn't drink much blood and then after I bought you I began to crave your blood and I forced myself to not even dare have a taste, but you offered yourself to me." He covered me up and touched my cheek, and smiled like I made him happy. "I think just so this doesn't happen again would you allow me to drink from you as a reward for doing well in your job? I promise I will make it so you won't feel pain but pleasure." I slowly started to fall asleep as I nodded my head and felt his lips on my forehead and I slept knowing that as long as I stayed with him I would be safe.

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