Lunch Time

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The bell rings and I rush out of class and heard towards the cafeteria. Steph catches up to me and links arms with me. "Hey, you never said why you were late to class. Lucky you're a suckup- if it was any other person Mrs Hardling would of given them a detention!" I smile and let out a giggle. "I just bumped into someone and had a small chat"

She nods her head. "Coolies"

Margot's already sitting at our table and she waves us over. I see most of our other friends and rush over to hug them. I hug all of them, I look around for my other best friend, Sean.

I find him and run over to him and give him a hug from behind. He jumps at first, before he realises that it's me and then turns around to hug me properly. We pull apart and I flash him a smile. 'Its so good to see you!!! I missed you in the holidays!' I say and he smiled back.

'Sorry, was a little busy in Malaysia' he says and winks.

I sigh, 'Jealousss!!! Wish I could've gone! Why didn't you take me you bum!'

He smirks and says, 'cos your fat and didn't fit into the suitcase'

I pretend to be shocked and gasp,

'Really! Can you tell?' I say and look at my bum.

It's a joke that goes way back, I used to be short and I ate a lot but I wasn't fat and Sean often referred to me as his short and fat friend as a joke. I'm pretty tall now, but he still says I'm fat. It brings a smile to my face whenever we joke about it. I don't mind cos I call him a man whore. He has had more girlfriends than I can count and his current one is a bitch. She keeps thinking I'm gonna steal him. Speak of the devil...

'Sean! Baby, it's so good to see you! I missed you' and she starts making out with him. It's his girlfriend, Jesinta. She's very pretty and everything a guy wants but she's actually stupid. Sean pulls away and grabs her hands and kisses them.

'I missed you too babe' he says and starts kissing her again. Things get a bit awkward so I leave and go sit with Steph as Margot's with Haydn and I don't want to butt in. I see Steph and Jessica talking and I go join them.

'Hey Jess' I say and she offers me a smile.

'Lexi, hi. How are you?' She says and offers me a kind smile. Jess' family are close with mind so she knows about dad. I give her a small smile and shrug my shoulders.

'Getting better' I say and she squeezes my arm.

'Oh my god' Steph says and I am brought back to her attention.

'What?!?!' Me and Jess say at the sane time.

'Who is that!' She points in the direction of the cafeteria doors that have just opened.

Logan's POV

I walk into the cafeteria and take a deep breath. This was probably going to be one of the hardest parts of the day. Finding somewhere to sit in the cafeteria. English was good and I talked to a few people but didn't really make friends with anyone. I look around and see the girl that I bumped I to earlier- Alice I think her name was. She was with two other girls and they were all looking at me. One of the girls waves in my direction and I turn to see if they mean someone behind me, but there's no one there. I point at myself and mouth the words 'me?'

They nod their heads and laugh so I walk over to them.

Alexis POV

It's logan and I smile a little but more. Before I know it though, Steph is waving him over, and with a bit if convincing that we're talking to him he comes over. He's looking at Steph a lot, and I feel something stir inside me. I mean, she's very pretty, she's got very tan skin and long blonde hair with mousey coloured streaks. She has the cutest little nose as well, and she's got freckles scattered across her face. She has a good figure too. No, I think to myself. Do not wish you looked like her. You are gorgeous and guys love you. You worked hard to keep fit and healthy, don't doubt yourself.

The pep talk works a little and Logan gets to our table soon enough.

He smiles at us and then looks at me

'Hey Alice' he says directed to me

My insides sink and and my smile fades a little

If he can't even remember my name, how can I have a chance with him?


So hey guys, sorry I haven't updated for a while been busy finishing assignments for reports soon

Please read and follow xx

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