The Chance Meeting

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I stopped walking and just stated at him. I actually stopped in my tracks.

I also noticed that every other single girl had stopped.

But who could blame them. He was gorgeous.

He had brown hair and gorgeous blue eyes. He was tan and looked quite fit.

I couldn't help wondering what was under his uniform.

Surely a six-pack.

As he walked past me he looked my way, so I stood up straight and smiled at him.

He just kept on walking ahead and I kept staring in shock.

No guy has ever not responded to my flirting. He didn't even smile back!

"Sup Alexis" I feel an arm go around my shoulders and I sigh. I turn to face Connor , one of the boys from my group. He's possibly the most arrogant guy in the whole school. Yet, he's the most popular guy in the school as well. We're sort of expected to date -being the two most popular people- and he seems to think we are, but we are definitely not. "Connor" I say and he winks at me. "So how were your holidays, miss me much?" He asks and I fake a smile. "Good thanks" A lie.

"I caught up with heaps of people" Another lie

"Also went to Bali for a week"

You're full of lies Alexis White.

"How were your holidays?" I ask and smile sweetly. He starts going on about parties and sport and stuff and I kind of zone out.

I start thinking about what really happened in the holidays. There no other way to say it so I'm just gonna say it.

My Dad left us in the holidays.

He didn't die and mum and him didn't get a divorce or anything.

One morning we woke up to find all his stuff gone and a note saying that he wanted to 'live his life'. I'm over it now, but it was hard at the beginning.

"... So yeah, those were my holidays". I realise Connor has stopped talking and I nod my head.

"Cool, sounds like you had fun." I say and he smiles.

"Yeah, but I wish you'd been with me" he says and squeezes my shoulder.

"Yeahhhh..." I hope it sounded real.

The bell goes and I sigh in relief.

"See you at recess?" He asks and I nod and smile "sure."

He walks away and you can see how the crowd part for him as he walk through. I turn and go to my locker. People move for me as well. I get there and grab my books. Ugh, I have double chem first. At least I'm with Steph, another one of my friends. The second bell goes and I can't find my folder, so it looks like I'm going to be late. Yay...

I finally find it and turn around, bumping into someone and dropping all my things. "Shiiiiittt" I say and bend down to pick them up. "Next time please look where you're going" I saw to the person.

"Sorry" he says and bends down to help me.

"You should be, now I'm going to be extra late to- oh" I look up and am met by a pair of gorgeous blue eyes.

It's the new boy.

"Oh, hey you're new right?" I ask and he nods "Yeah I just moved from Darwin."

"Ok, what was your name sorry?" I ask, and wait for an answer.

"Logan... Uh Logan Sterling."

Logan Sterling.

A good name for such a good looking guy.

I smile and offer him my hand.

"Alexis White, I'm sure you've been told about me though?" He hesitates before taking my hand and shaking it slightly.

"No, I haven't actually? Should I of been told?" I can feel my smile fade a little. No one had mentioned me to him.

"No, I was just wondering." I say and he smiles. We stand up and I ask what he's got now.

"Double English" he says. "Where is that" I point it out and he sighs. "Thank you so much, I thought I was gonna get lost on my first day" I smile and then see the time.

"Poop! We're both really late- um, I'll see you later?" I ask and he nods.

"Goodbye Alexis" he says and smiles. I smile back and I think I even blushed.

Why am I blushing?

I never blush.

I walk into chem and slip into a seat next to Steph. I smile at her and kinda zone out.

All I can think about is logan.

Logan sterling.

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