⋅13. To many red eyes.⋅

Start from the beginning

She tried to say something, but it was too late. I was already at the doors. Someone grabbed my hand. I spin around facing two bloody red eyes. Aro.

-Isobel? He started.

I've cut him of. Looking straight into his eyes, I started compelling him.

-Aro, quit trying to make me talk to you.

He nodded, and let go of my hand. I've got out of the throne room as quickly as possible.


Damn Edward, where are you?! I've stopped at a gas station in Bulgaria, just to catch out my breath. In the last couple of hours I've searched most of Europe, in my werewolf form. It's not as fast as if I would just run in vampire speed, but I had to search his scent. And the running was pretty close to vampire speed. Almost equal.

I've shifted and entered the gas station. I need a little break. I was a little confused, why would I need a break?

Anyways, I've entered the gas station. The cashier looked really strange at me, I had no car outside, waiting for gas, it was past midnight, pitch black outside, and in the middle of the mountains. I gave him one of my best smiles. I've took a big bottle of water, and a dozen of sandwiches. While I was staying right in front of him, ready to pay, someone came in. A man in his 20's. He was wounded. Blood was dripping from his whole body. He only said one word, before collapsing with the floor.

-v-v-v-vampire! And out he was.

When he fell, a little breeze of air came rushing in my nostrils with a specific scent. Edward.

The cashier wanted to help the man, but I stopped him. Everything went quiet. I tried to listen to the man's heart. Still beating, thank God! I've rushed to help him. I might not be a fully vampire, but I'm on ouijia after all. I've sit on the floor, taking his head in my lap. I've forced his mouth to open. When it did, I've bit my wrist and let a few drops to enter his mouth.

When he came a little in his senses, he shut his eyes open, now changing from sky blue eyes to red ones, took my hand and start drinking my blood. I've caressed his hair while he was drinking.

-Shhhh, everything will be alright, I would whisper to him from now and then.

After I felt it was enough, I've helped him get on his feet. The cashier was looking frighten at us. The man simply smiled. I've huffed. Looking straight into the cashiers eyes, I've compelled him.

-You never seen this man in your life, neither me. You will go and clean up this mess, and then erase the video tape from the security camera.

He nodded.

-Oh, and these, I've pointed to my sandwiches and at the bottle of water, are free. Understood?

He nodded again. I exited the store, and crushed on the side way. I need to eat, regain my strength. Edward was here. I've started eating, and drinking my bottle. When I've heard someone cleaning his throat. I've turned around facing two red eyes. The man I've just saved.

-I want to thank you, he said. I don't know how, or what you did, but I don't have to ask you any questions, beside this one.

He got in front of me, kneeling.

-Can I please serve you as your own human shield?

You see, he had bloody red eyes, but I haven't changed him into a vampire. He is now a "bitten-ouijia". First and last on this world. The fact that he has no questions like "who are you? Why did you helped me? Why am I kneeling?" Yada yada, is because I've linked my soul to his. Not in a romantically type of way. When I give someone my blood, with my permission and acknowledge( that way, no one can steal my blood and start making bitten-ouijia. )he becomes like a child to me. If I accept our bonding, he will slowly start to look as me, like we are related, like his my born child. He now knows what I know, mostly only what he needs to know, feels what I feel, have some of my abilities, and he is part vampire, part werewolf, part human. Like me.

-I accept. I've said.

His eyes dropped, and when he looked back at me, his eyes were the same color as mine. I've finished my meal, and headed into the woods with Elijah. This bonding goes other way around too. I know everything about him now. His name-Elijah, his age-25, his darkest secret-I won't mention that.

His scent was all over the place, but I managed to find him. He was feeding on a blonde girl. Poor girl wanted so badly to scream, I've seen it in her eyes, but she was compelled. I've made my way to them.

-Edward Cullen, stop right there, right now.

He froze. He slowly let go of the girl, and turned to me. When I saw his eyes, I almost lost it. His beautiful eyes, once golden like honey, were now the bloodiest I ever seen.


I huffed. My hands were on my hips. I was looking like a mother who is lecturing her child.

-Am I looking like someone else?

He let go of all the air in his lungs. He tried to get closer to me.

-You are alive. He said almost like a whisper. Bells, you are alive!

He tried to get even closer but Elijah posted himself in front of me.

-Haven't I killed you, like an hour ago? Edward asked in surprise.

Elijah didn't even blinked. Edward tried to get pass him, but Elijah put a hand on his chest.

-I wouldn't go any further if I were you.

Edward was looking at him wordless. He tried pushing him, but instead he got himself pushed into the nearest tree. By Elijah.

-Where the ef did you got this strength? Earlier you were begging me for you pathetic little life, and now you trow me into the trees?

Edward lunched another attack, and another, and another. But Elijah blocked them all. Edward didn't even had a chance of moving before Elijah would react.

I chuckled.

-That's enough, I said in Elijah's ear, putting my hand on his shoulder.

Elijah nodded and stepped back, taking his position right beside me. Edward was looking strange at us.

-What is going on? He wanted to know.

-You need to come with me, in Italy.


Hey guys! Sorry for the late update! I had a really busy month, being in the hospital and so on! Hope you guys still reading this story! 14.000 + reads, I am freaking out!!!thank you!

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