Sebastian Michealis X Fem! Foreign! Reader

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"... Do you promise to ensure my safety whenever you can? " She asks, tone a tad nervous. A terrified look washed over her. She was drowning in fear - scent.

She's hiding something. Something troubling her.

We both pause at a large window that overlooked the Phantomhive Garden, her favorite place in the manor. She often stood there, humming songs to herself in her native language.

" Lady L/N, as the Phantomhive butler of this estate, I am always obliged to protect you. " I state, tone serious and cold. I turn to face her, My Lady's facial features have softened slightly.

" Thank you Sebastian... I am in your debt. "


.:Time Skip To That Evening:.


It was the awaited evening of the Phantomhive Garden Ball. Somehow, that no - good gardener Finnian hadn't managed to destroy the white rose gardens. Usually he - with the help of Bard - burns the potted plants kept in the greenhouse. Somehow he even does it by himself.

Anyways, now's not the time to think about Phantomhive servants.

The garden tonight was rather beautiful, the evening's full, pale moonlight overcasting the snow - white roses so they appeared silver. The lawns where mowed to be clean and neat, the stone paths where swept. Many ladies wore elegant and colorful gowns, extravagant hairstyles accompanied them. The gentlemen that escorted them matched their tuxedos in hues, a few proper enough to wear gloves.

I stood at the two large, grand oak doors that where the main entrance to the estate, greeting every boring mortal after another. Really, they all start to sound the same. At least My Lady tries to be interesting.

But, she doesn't try. It's her precious nature, carefully crafted within her tasteful soul. I've met many others from the same country, but they where never quite the same. They're...


Humans let their souls get tainted. The most obvious warning sighs could be placed in front of them by piggish God himself and they'd ignore them. For this I have only sold myself to quality souls, no matter how long I will starve.

" I suggest we all join Earl Phantomhive in the ballroom for a fine waltz this evening. " I announce to the party, offering them all a fake smile. All their souls smelled horrid, besides My Lord, of course. " W-What? Sebastian?! " The young lord stuttered beside me, completely taken aback. I kneel to his level to whisper to him.

" The night is winding down. And besides, our suspect didn't bother to show. It'd be smart to buy us more time to plan another attack. "


It's Y/n.

She's in danger.

Fear and pain laced her accented voice. In an instant I breakneck turn, my crimson gaze searching desperately, my falsehood humanoid heart thumping like a hare being rabbited. My now silted gaze catches her form, a free arm reaching out for me. Fear plastered her features, her irises inhumanly small. She fought against her father's hard grip, who was forcing them to the exit. " Shut it dammit! We're going home! " He hissed, occasionally cursing at her as he attempted to force her away.

Something inside me snapped.

I felt my gaze turn fuchsia and silted, a sudden feeling of need to protect, comfort, and possibility murder someone. It wasn't quite either of the three, but not quite a mix. It was it's own emotion.

Black Butler X Reader One Shots!Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora