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Halla's POV

"Ahh Eomma!!! I couldn't sleep again!!" I yelled to my mom who just got back from work. Mind you she works night-shift at the hospital. It's 6:00 am
"Go take your pills! They'll help you!" Mom yelled back.

ughh I hate taking my pills. I know they'll help me with my insomnia but I just hate it. That's why I don't take them and just throw them away. I know It's not good for me and the affects prove it. It's my 3rd sleepless night. I haven't gotten a good night's sleep in a while. I usually take sparatic naps at school. I check the clock and it's already 6:45.

I get ready for school, or what I call it, My only source for sleep. I put on my grey Nike joggers, a white t-shirt, a black sweater, and my black Nike sneakers. Yup! I'm such a jolly and colorful teenager as you can see. *Eye roll* I gobble up my breakfast, Which is an egg sandwich then brush my teeth. I head to the door to leave.

"I'm Heading to school now eomma! Bye! Love you!"
"Okay dear have fun and be safe!"

I walk to school and my limbs feel weak. School is like a 10 minute walk from my house so good luck to me!

I arrive at school wayy to early so I go to the garden to go to my usual spot. The tree. No not under the tree. I put my stuff down by the trunk of the tree and start to climb it. I reach the sturdy branch that I usually lay on and sit on it. I realize I forgot to bring my book up with me but I just forget about it. I'm to lazy to go down and get it then climb back up. I decide to lay down instead. I keep a pillow up here incase I want to take a nap and today is one of those cases. I have an hour to spare until lessons start so I take a well needed nap from my part. It's weird how I just can't sleep at night yet I can easily sleep during the daytime. It's not like I'm afraid of the dark. I just can't sleep. After 2 minutes I was knocked out like a bear during hibernation. Snoring and everything.

Seungmin's POV


I wake up to the ringing and look at my clock.
"OMG IT'S ALREADY 8:22!! AT THIS RATE I'M GOING TO BE LATE!!" I yelled as I realized that I hade woken up about 30 minutes late. I hurrily put on my pants and sweatshirt and get my backpack. I brush my teeth for like 2.001 seconds and I'm off. This isn't the first time that I've overslept. In some cases I even sleep through my alarm clock and miss most of the school day.

I'm running to the school that is like 15 minutes away from my house hoping that I won't be late. As I'm running across the road I realize that there was a cat that was also crossing so I try to stop myself as quickly as possible and BAMMM!! I trip inside a pothole and end up rolling on the ground and on top of the cat. The cat wasn't hurt tho. Thankfully...

I arrive at school and nobody is outside. I quickly run inside the school and to my locker but there are like 3 students in the hall. I check my phone and realize that it's daylight savaings. It's only 7:10 am and I'm already at school. I mentally facepalm myself and walk out of the school. I walk to the back of the school to find a nice place to rest. I see this big tree and decide to go there. When I reach the trunk I see that there is already someone here but there is nobody around. Then I hear something rumble from above me. I immediatly look up to see if I was in danger but then calm myself down. It's only some girl sleeping in the tree.... W a i t.... Theres a girl...... sleeping in a tree..... on a branch..... right above me..... My life is in danger!!!! I quickly run from underneath the tree and wait on the outside. I don't know if that branch is stable enough to hold her. I don't want me or her getting hurt today. So the reasonable action to take here is to throw rocks at her. heheh

"Yah! miss are you sure you should be up there on that branch?" No response. "HELLO?? can you here me up there??" Still no response so I try to throw rocks at her again.

As I'm mid throw she lifts up her head.... And Boom! the rock hits smack dab on her forehead. I can't help but laugh but I'm also sorry.

"Ahh I'm sorry for hitting your face.... I didn't mean to...."
"Can't a girl just enjoy her sleep? This is like the only time I get to sleep so pleaseee don't disturbe me. Goodnight!"
"Wait, but are you sure you should be up there on that branch? Is it stable enought to hold you?"
"Are you calling me fat?" She snapped.
"Ah ahah- MIAN! I didn't mean for that to come off as rude. I'm just worried for you.." At that she starts laughing.
"AHAHA you should see your face LOLOL you look so ridiculous LOLOL haha it's fine. It's all in good fun anyway. I always come up here so it better be stable. If not then I should be checking what I eat more haha" Woah she's a weird one. I thought she wouldve been so pissed at me and throw a shoe or something. She's pretty chill.

She jumps off the branch and lands in front of me. She gestures for a handshake and I do so.
"Hello! My name is Halla! And you are?"
"Oh, I'm Seungmin! nice to meet you!" At that the bell rand and we got our stuff.
"See you around sometime seungmin!" Halla said as she ran to class. I took note and also decided to run seeming as this is one of the first times I might actually be on time for class.


Hope you enjoyed the first chapter. That's a lot of words.......I usually only write like 700 words per chapter.. today thooooo 1,083!!!!! WOOT WOOT

maybe I'll do a word count per chapter.... hmmmm m okay then. FAREWELL READERS!!


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