"Needed to see you." He shrugs. "Needed to make sure you were okay. Holding up." He places his hand over mine. "I miss you, Florence Walker."

"I wish I could say the same, Thomas Shelby." I pull my hand away.

"I'm getting them out. Just-" He sighs. "Just not yet."

"Yeah whatever." I roll my eyes and suck down the rest of my drink, the ice rattling as I drain it.

"Another?" A waiter asks, walking past and I nod.

"Thank you." The glass is quickly swapped out and I look at Thomas again.

"I got you a hobby, if you're willing to take the job."

"Depends on the hobby." I don't meet his eye, looking at my glass.

"You're looking at it." He taps the side of my glass. "You're drinking a gin made by me."

"It's missing something."

"I knew you would know." He nods. "Help me perfect it."

"Drink the gin you're making? And get paid for it?"

"And eventually bottle it, one day." He nods.

"Not until he's out." I say and he nods. "What did you get my daughter?"

"You haven't worked it out?" He asks and I shake my head. "A horse. She's in Birmingham. Young, Tillie can name her when she's grown a bit."

"You want her to ride?"

"If she's a perfect mix of you and Michael, Michael's obsession with riding will overpower your awful attempts."

"It's not that my attempts were awful, it's that no animal has ever liked me. Other than a dog. And maybe a cat that really needed food." I say and he lets out a quiet laugh.

"I've missed you, Florence." He says after a beat.

"Yeah." I roll my eyes. "And have you learned your lesson about what the fuck you did to me?" I ask and his eyes light up.

"Are you finally doing it?"

"Not if you're going to be a dick about it." I shoot back and he nods.

"I want you to understand my side of the story." He says and I take a drink. "I had no choice. It was either everyone was arrested, or just the names I gave." He explains. "I didn't want anybody to go away, but they were building a case against us. They had inside information on Polly, Michael, John, Arthur, and I. They had you for betting, trading, gang affiliation." He says and my eyebrows raise. "I wasn't letting you go to prison, you were eight months pregnant, so I had you clumped into my deal. I gave up names and the family went away. Even if it meant that you would hate me for it-"

"Why did you let Polly go?" I ask. "You know that of all people, she's the easiest to break." I say with tears in my eyes. So much for not crying. "I'm more worried for her in there than I am for myself out here."

"They had her for the murder of Campbell. She was going away for something that had happened years ago."

"Well what are you doing to get them out?" I ask.

"I've got a plan, alright?" He asks and I glare at him. "I can't say it yet. I don't want to get your hopes up on when they get out. I'm not sure when it will be. None of us will know until the morning that it happens." He says and I nod, sipping the gin and tonic again.

"Are you building a brewery for me?" I ask and he nods. "When they're out, I'll start. I can't do business until they're out."

"That's fine." He nods. "How's Alfie?"

"Wouldn't you like to know." I smirk and he smiles. "He's good. Taken over your spot as my protector."

"I'm well aware, I'm surprised I didn't have to kill the guards outside your flat, that I'm still paying for, you're welcome, to get near that last time that I saw you."

"Considering it's you, I'm surprised you didn't actually kill someone." I say and his smile disappears. "You know it's going to take forever for everybody to forgive you?" I ask and he nods.

"I don't even want to think about the wrath of Esme and Linda." He shakes his head. "If Arthur wasn't in jail he'd be in California." He leans in and I scoff.

"She's a brainwasher." I shake my head. "A horrible, horrible brainwasher." I sip my drink again. "Can I get good gin now?" I ask a passing waiter, and a fresh drink is placed on the table a minute later.

"Have they reached out to you?" He asks and I shake my head.

"I'm only family when the men are around." I laugh a little. "Esme's a mess. All the kids, no help. Linda's probably not talked to anybody other than God since Arthur got locked. Lizzie writes. She tells me about you. I've got a lot of patching you up to do, don't I?" I ask and he glares at me. "Don't give me that look." I point. "I'm cheaper than a therapist, but only until I'm back on payroll."

"So you forgive me?"

"Not entirely. I won't until they're out." I say and he nods. "But we can talk. It hurt to not talk." I say and he takes my hand, kissing my knuckles.

"It hurt a lot not to talk. It was like when I was at war, only I didn't even want to send you a letter."

"Your letters always brightened my day back then." I smile. "When I got that one a few months ago I nearly sent Ralph to kill you."

"He'd be dead before he even entered my house."

"Yeah, I decided to keep him around." I shrug. "He's seeing Ruth."

"That's lovely!" He smiles. "Now, we just need you to set Jessie up with a Blinder and-"

"She's with Alfie." I shake my head, cutting him off. "She'll be with him until he dies."

"She knows about his skin thing?"

"She's trying to help him treat it, but it's not going that well." I sigh. "I'll have to find her a nice bloke to patch her heart up when he passes." I say. "Alf bought her a flower shop in London."

"I know. Her sister's taken over the one at home."

"I'm happy but scared."

"That seems to be the general way that your life goes." He says and I make a face. "It's good to have you back, Florence." He stands and motions for me to do the same.

"Are you hugging me?" I ask, standing, and he does just that. Thomas Shelby hugs me first. He never hugs first. "Missed you, too." I whisper, hugging him tight.

"Have you talked to Finn?" He asks and I shake my head. "He misses you."

"He's in Small Heath?" I ask and he nods. "How far are we from there?" I ask, looking at the clock.

"Forty minutes."

"Ralph!" I shout, and a moment later he's at my side. "Go pick up Finn, please. I don't care what he has planned, he's coming to London. I haven't seen him in six months." 

"He won't be happy with that." Ralph says and I raise an eyebrow. "I'll tell him it's a Florence Walker order." He nods. "That's even more powerful than an order of the Peaky Blinders." He winks. "Hi Tom." He nods to his boss before heading back outside. 


ok so like nothing really happened here but WE ARE MAKING PROGRESS OKAY

also idk how long the fam was in prison is anybody even sure?? i'm stress

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