Part 12

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You wake up to the smell of the cooking of pancakes, you walk downstairs with your messy hair and pyjamas and find Tom cooking, you smile at the sight,
"Good morning y/n."
"Good morning Tom, how're you feeling?" You ask concerned about what he told you last night, and now that he's calm, he might be able to make things clearer.
"Better than last night, thank you for listening to me, I needed to let everything out." You smile at him as he flips the pancakes on the pan, you walk over to him.
"I'm always here to listen." You grab the plate he's been putting the cooked pancakes on and hold it out for him to put the fresh pancakes on, "Tom?"
"Why did you come? What happened last night to make you so upset and scared?" He sighs heavily,
"He, or someone, broke the windows of my house and then he or they put blood, real, fake, I don't know, but it was all over my living room when I got home. It was everywhere."
"Tom... that's horrible, I can only imagine how that must feel," you pause for a moment, "You can stay here for a while, if he doesn't know about this place then you can stay for as long as you need, as long as you're safe."
"He'll find us." He says almost immediately.
"If you show him that you're scared, then he'll know his impact on you but if you pretend like nothings phasing you then he might leave you alone."
"Y/n you don't know him, he won't leave until I'm miserable or dead." You don't know what else to say, nothing you say can seem to persuade him that everything will be okay. You help him with breakfast.

After breakfast is made you both sit at the table and eat,
"Y/n I have work today." You didn't even realise it was Monday.
"Oh my god yeah of course you do!" You say coming to your senses. You take yours and Tom's plates and go to wash them. Tom goes and gets ready for work. He comes down 20 minutes later in a black suit and his hair slick back.
"Goodbye y/n." He says as he gets his shoes on and keys in his hand ready to leave.
"Bye Tom." You smile at him as he leaves and then you begin to feel upset. You're not sure why you're upset but you just feel down. You go upstairs to your writing room and sit there for hours writing with music on low in the background. You sit there lost in thought and your hand continuously moving, writing about everything.
Hours fly by and you decide to stop at around 1:00pm and get something to eat. You make yourself a nice meal and then sit at the table and eat. You don't have much to do so you put on a movie, pop some popcorn and cuddle on the sofa.
Midway through the movie your phone rings and Tom's contact pops up on the screen, you don't hesitate to answer,
"Hey Tom." You say,
"What are you doing tonight?" He asks,
"Uh nothing."
"Perfect, get ready and wear a nice dress, I'll be there at 8." He says quickly.
"Where are we-" he hangs up the phone before you can question him. You giddily run upstairs to pick out a dress, you go into your closet with all the clothes Tom got you, they're all so beautiful you want to wear them all! You finally pick one out. You have a nice long shower and then let your hair sit dry for a while. After it's dry, you decide to leave your hair open and curl it, you put on a little bit of makeup, not too much, fill in your eyebrows mascara, a shimmery eye shadow and a nice clear lip gloss.
It's 7:30 by the time you finish getting ready so you sit downstairs and patiently wait, anxious about what Tom has planned yet excited. You sit on your phone going through social media and checking your emails, then you hear a knock at the door. Excited, you go and open the door to see Tom stood there in his suit. You smile instantly and he looks at you from head to toe,
"Y/n you look beautiful." He says in awe. You look down and smile,
"Thank you, you don't look too bad yourself." He smiles and puts his hand out for you to hold,
"Shall we..." You take his hand and you both head to his car, he opens the door for you, you get in and put your seatbelt on whilst he goes to the drivers side.
"Where are we going?" You ask excitedly as you face him.
"You'll see." He says eyes not leaving the road in front of him yet a huge smile plastered on his face."

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