Part 7

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Your last day working at Mr Holland's building before you get a real job there.
You wake up at around 6:30 and get ready wearing a lovely black skirt and a simple blouse. You sort yourself out in the bathroom and do you hair, a slick back ponytail. After, you make yourself some breakfast and eat it whilst doing a bit of writing.

After you've eaten and it's about 7:40 you set off to leave for work. You get into you car, buckle your seatbelt and set off with the music quietly playing in the background. You arrive and head to Mr Holland's room, where he's already talking to someone else so you decide to wait outside his room. Once you see that the other person has left you knock on the door and he gestures for you to go in.
"Good morning Mr Holland." You say with a perky voice. He says nothing but nods.
"Thank you so much for the dress Mr Holland. It's beautiful." You say smiling and looking down.
"It's what I do." He says. No emotion on his face. Your smile fades.
"Well what do you want me to do today?"
"There's nothing that isn't being done already, you can stay in here with me if you want, just shadow me for a bit to see what it's like here?" He asks making more of an effort with you. It makes you smile knowing he wants you there with him.
"I'd love that Mr Holland." You avoid eye contact as you say that and look down at your hands.
"Grab a chair from over there and you can just sit here next to me and watch what I'm doing and see how chaotic it can be at times." You do as he says and get a chair and place it next to him and I sit. I watch as he types words onto his computer in front of him and he writes things down, he's so busy.
"Y/n, can you just grab be some plain paper from the printer over there." You get up and grab a small pile of paper and hand it to him. "Thank you." He's being so kind.
You sit down again and he goes into the draw that's in front of you to get a pencil. His hand brushes your leg as he does so and it sends a chill through your body. Your breath hiccups slightly and Mr Holland looks up at you and smirks as if he knows what his touch does to you. You fidget in your seat and then Mr Holland goes back to doing is work. This is more intense than you thought.

Hours pass and the silence stays with the odd few times when Mr Holland asks you to do something. You sit back in your chair and decide to start a conversation with Mr Holland,
"So, uhm what times the party tomorrow." You ask.
"It should start at 6." You nod.
"I can't thank you enough for that dress Mr Holland. It's beautiful."
"Stop thanking me. It wasn't any hassle, and a beautiful girl like you deserves a dress just as beautiful." He looks over at you and you look at the desk and smile as your cheeks flush with redness, "stop avoiding eye contact." He says causing you to look him in the eye, your smiles fade and are replaced with pure want. This was your chance to make up for the other night, to finally do what you know you both wanted. Mr Holland places one hand on your leg and leans closer towards you, moving his other hand to your face. This was the moment you were waiting for. And then, as if the universe was telling you this was wrong, there was a loud knock on Mr Holland's door. You both move away quickly and Mr Holland clears his throat.
"Come in." He says whilst quickly picking up a pen and scribbling some words onto the paper in front of him.
"Uh," the lady speaks, "Mr Holland your meeting at 5:30 has been cancelled." She says whilst looking down at her clipboard.
"Okay, thank you for letting me know." The lady then walks out of the room. Mr Holland looks at you once she leaves you can't help but blush knowing she probably saw you two almost kiss, "you know what that means?" He asks. You look at him in confusion. "You get more time with me." You laugh a little at his comment and then continue to watch him do his work.

It's 7pm and Mr Holland is getting ready to leave, you were getting ready too. You both go downstairs and leave the building into the car park, you both stop just outside the building,
"Well y/n I look forward to seeing you tomorrow." Mr Holland says.
"You too." You reply. Mr Holland walks over to his car and you walk over to yours. You get in and start the engine and put some music on. You begin your journey home.

You arrive home quite quickly and eat something. After, you sit down at your desk and write a few things, you decide to have an early night so you head to your bed, you get cosy and slowly fall asleep.

You have a big day tomorrow.

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