The Quidditch Match

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Sorry guys for the delay! However I was working on a chapter that is not finalized. So since these are not exactly one shots but one entire link of snippets from their life, I'm in a little crisis as to how I should insert it in or if I should cancel it entirely.
However, since this chapter is ready, I shall post it. Let's see what I can do!

The Quidditch Match

"I want to come!" Teddy whined.

"No! You're staying with your Gran."

"But I want to see Ginny play. She's amazing."

"After what happened at the fair, I'm not taking you to crowded places." Harry retorted, fastening his cloak. He studied his reflection once and did not bother trying to flatten his hair. That would only be an effort in futility. Besides, Ginny had said that she loved his hair the way it was. He would be glad to oblige.

"How do I look, Teddy?"

"Terrible! You look like a demon come from hell. You look like a monster from the darkest pits of –"

"Hey! Stop it!" Harry threw his arms up in surrender, laughing softly at his godson’s curses. "Is that your new form of torture for me?"

"Harry, I've never been to a stadium for an actual Quidditch match! How many times will I get the chance? Please, please take me with you." Teddy pouted.

"The last time I took you out in a muggle fair, you ran off into the mob and then happened to change your appearance. Your grandmother wanted to feed us to the vultures. Ginny was almost on the verge of tears and –"

"– So were you. That was fun! It was just a joke. I came back in one piece and even accepted the punishment that Gran gave me. Did you know she grounded me for a week!" Teddy grinned, his green eyes lighting up.

The boy was now six years old and to no one's surprise quite witty, talented and sharp for his age. He usually spent most of his time at the Burrow since he wasn't really fond of his grandmother and her nagging ways. Of course, not that he hated her completely. She was his grandmother;. But she was old and not much fun. However, he loved spending time with his godfather who was like an older brother and a companion with whom he could share his problems without a second thought.

“Uh-huh, I don't think I would have opposed her on that. If you want to attend the match, there is a condition."

Teddy pouted but perked up at the last statement. His hair turned a bright Weasley red colour.

"Yeah! Deal!"

"You will not wander off into the crowds. You will have to stay right beside me and hold on to me. There will be quite a multitude of people and they might want to hurt you. So, you have to promise me not to go anywhere without asking my permission." Harry knelt before his godson as he said this.

"That’s all? Then I promise Harry, I promise! I won’t walk away. Now, can I come?" Teddy asked apprehensively.

Harry pondered over the request, then sighed in resignation.

"Well, where is that special cloak of Holyhead Harpies that Ginny got you in winter? You don't want to look underdressed do you?" he grinned.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2019 ⏰

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